Absolute Value Calculator

Try out our Absolute Value Calculator for calculating the value from the numbers that gives positive or negative numbers.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Absolute Value Calculator:

An equation solver with absolute value is a digital tool that helps you find the absolute value of a given number. Our absolute value solver determines the value from the number that gives positive or negative numbers to show the absolute value on a number line in a few seconds.

Absolute Value Calculator with steps

What is Absolute Value?

Absolute value is an algebraic method that is defined as the absolute value of a given number. Absolute values are present inside the modulus as |x|.

It is also called the magnitude of a number because it gives absolute distance. This method helps find the qualitative questions, time, and speed problems in algebra.

Formula of Absolute Value:

The absolute value functions and graphs calculator is used to find the magnitude of a given number. Let's denote the number as x, then its absolute value, represented as ∣𝑥∣, can be expressed as:

$$ |x| \;=\; x - x $$

If |x|>0 then it has an increasing order of value on the graph

If |x|<0 then it has a decreasing order of value on the graph


Evaluation Process in Calculator Absolute Value:

Absolute value calculator with steps gives you the solution of the absolute value of any real number which shows the versatility of our absolute calculator that can handle different types of numbers for absolute value and provides you a solution.

When you add the number to the absolute value functions and graphs calculator, it starts the calculation process after identifying the nature of the number.

If your given number is negative then according to the property of modulus negative value changes into a positive value. For example, if you give x =-3 then modulus change it into positive value |-3|= -(-3) =3.

After giving the result of your input number in both increasing or decreasing order as shown in the below example, it shows the number on a number line. It generates four cases which are:

  • If |x|>5

If your given number is greater than x then its ends are closed on a number line.

  • If |x|< 5

If your given number is less than x then its ends are open on a number line.

  • If |x|≥ 5

If your given number is greater than or equal to x then its ends are closed and outward (show infinite number) on a number line.

  • If |x|≤ 5

If your given number is less than or equal to x then its ends are open and inward (show infinite number) on a number line.

Solved Practical Example of Absolute Value:

The absolute value calculator can solve the absolute value problems easily but it is important to solve such problems manually as well. So, here is an example to let you know how to calculate absolute value,


Find the absolute value of a given number.


So, the solution is {-5, 5}.



Find the absolute value of a given number and represent it on the number line.

$$ \biggr| x \biggr| \ge 5 $$


Example of Absolute Value with Steps

How to Use the Absolute Value Solver?

Absolute Calculator has the simplest design that allows you to calculate absolute value from the given number instantly. Follow some of our simple steps before using it how to calculate the absolute value and you get an amazing experience every time. These steps are:

  • Enter any type of a number in the input field.
  • Review your expression before pressing the calculate button so that you get the exact solution without any error in the calculation process.
  • Click on the “Calculate” button to get the solution of the absolute value problem.
  • Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a new page for more evaluation of the absolute value questions.
  • If you want to check the accuracy of the solution then you should first try out the load example and get an accurate solution every time.

By following these steps, you can easily calculate absolute values and use the absolute value calculator to its fullest potential.

Output Obtained from Equation Solver with Absolute Value:

The Calculator absolute value gives you a solution to your given number value problem after you click the calculated button. It may include the following:

  • Result Option:

The result option provides you solutions for absolute value with its increasing and decreasing order value.

  • Possible Steps:

Possible steps provide you with solutions for real number value equations in a step-wise process.

  • Number Line:

It will draw a graph on the number line per the given result value that helps you to understand it clearly.

Why do you Choose our Absolute Value Calculator?

Equation solver with absolute value provides you with tons of benefits whenever you use it to calculate the absolute value in algebra for finding distance, and time speed problems.

These benefits will make our absolute equation calculator unique and compel everyone to use it for better learning of mathematical concepts.


Absolute value function calculator saves the time and energy that you consume while finding the absolute value manually.

Handy Tool

Our calculator with absolute value can operate through a computer, laptop, or mobile which makes it a handy tool

User-Friendly Tool

Absolute value solver has a user-friendly interface so that you can solve absolute value problems easily.

Accurate Result

It provides precise results as per your given input numbers for the absolute value

Educational Tool

Graph absolute value calculator is an educational tool that gives you solutions in the step-by-step method so that you can easily familiar with the concept of the absolute value

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