Antiderivative Calculator

Antiderivative Calculator is an online tool that helps you find the value of a given integral function and determine the antiderivative easily.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Antiderivative Calculator With Steps:

Antiderivative calculator is an online tool that helps you find the integral value function in seconds. Our tool evaluates different types of functions, whether they are exponential, trigonometric, or polynomial.

Antiderivative Calculator with Steps

It is a very useful tool that simplifies the process of finding antiderivatives and provides accurate results without any man-made mistakes.

What is an Antiderivative?

Antiderivative is a process of finding the absolute value of an integral function over an unbounded curve. It is also known as the indefinite integral because it is the inverse differentiation process.

Given a function f(x) and its antiderivative F(x) is a function such that when F(x) is differentiated with respect to x, it yields the original function (x). Mathematically, if 𝐹′(𝑥)=𝑓(𝑥), where 𝐹′(𝑥)denotes the derivative of F(x).

$$ \int f(x)\; dx \;=\; F(x) + C $$

How to Calculate Antiderivative?

For the calculation of antiderivative problems, we apply the basic integration rules and techniques systematically. Let's see the evaluation process for finding the antiderivative function using the stepwise method.

Step 1: Identify the function f(x) for which you want to find the antiderivative.

Step 2: Apply the basic integration rules for a given antiderivative function solution, or use different methods, such as the power rule, substitution method, integration by parts, etc.

Step 3: After integrating the given function, add the Constant of Integration +C, and you will get the solution for the antiderivative function.

You can also use our antiderivative calculator with steps to speed up your process. It provides detailed solutions with steps and accurate results in seconds.

Practical Example of an Antiderivative Problem:

Let us understand the above antiderivative function with the help of a practical example with the solution for better understanding.

Example: Find ∫(3x2 - 2sin(x) + 5) dx.


Identify the given function and separate the F(x) such as:

$$ \int(3x^2 - 2sin(x) + 5)\; dx \;=\; \int 3x^2 dx - \int 2 sin(x)dx + \int 5 dx $$

One by one integrate the given function with respect to x with the help of basic rules of integration.

$$ \int 3x^2\; dx \;=\; 3. \frac{x^3}{3} + C \;=\; x^3 + C $$

$$ \int 2 sin(x)\; dx \;=\; -2cos(x) + C $$

$$ \int 5\;dx \;=\; 5x + C $$

After solving the given antiderivative function we get the solution as,

$$ \int (3x^2 - 2sin(x) + 5)\; dx \;=\; x^3 - 2cos(x) + 5x + C $$

How to Use the Antidifferentiation Calculator?

Anti derivative calculator has a simple layout that helps users find solutions to the given integral problem. You just need to put your antiderivative problem in this antiderivative calculator and immediately get the result. These steps are:

  • Enter the antiderivative function that you want to evaluate in the input field.
  • Check the input function you are given before clicking on the calculate button to get the result of the antiderivative problems.
  • Click the “Calculate” button to find the solution to the antiderivative problems.
  • Click the “Recalculate” button to evaluate more examples of the antiderivative method and check the accuracy of the solution.

Final Result of the Antiderivatives Calculator:

Anti differentiation calculator provides you with the solution of antiderivative questions when you click on the calculate button. It may include as:

In the Result Box:

When you click on the result button you get the solution of the antiderivative problem using the basic method of integral.

Possible Steps Box:

Click on the steps option so that you get the solution to the integral function in steps.

Advantages of Using an Anti Derivative Calculator

Antidifferentiation calculator has tons of advantages that you get when you use it to evaluate the given antiderivative problem with a solution easily. These advantages are:

  • Antiderivative calculator with steps is a trustworthy tool that always provides you with an accurate solution to an antiderivative problem.
  • It is a speedy tool that helps you evaluate antiderivative problems with solutions in a few seconds without any delay.
  • Antiderivatives calculator is a learning tool that helps you to enhance your concept about antiderivative functions without going to any teacher.
  • It is a manageable tool that solves antiderivative function problems with various methods without taking any external effort.
  • Anti differentiation calculator is a free tool that allows you to use it for the calculation of antiderivative function without charging a fee.
Related References
Frequently Ask Questions

What is the difference between antiderivative and integral

The terms "antiderivative" and "integral" are closely related to each other in calculus but they refer to different concepts.

An antiderivative F(x) is a function, when it is differentiated it gives the solution in f(x). It includes a constant C due to the infinite number of functions. But integral doesn't change the nature of a function. Antiderivatives are used to find the functions that could become the solutions of differential equations or to find the general form of an integral. The integral method is used for both definite and indefinite, where the area is under a curve or accumulated quantities.

How to calculate the antiderivative of xy

To calculate the antiderivative of xy where y is treated as a constant with respect to x, follow these steps:

Identify the given function such as,

$$ \int\; xy\; dx \;=\; y \int\; x\; dx $$

Takes the integral with respect to x,

$$ \int\; x\; dx \;=\; \frac{x^2}{2} + C $$

Here C is an integration constant that is used in the antiderivative functions solution.

What is the antiderivative of cosx

To find the antiderivative of cos⁡(x), let's see in steps:

  • Identify the Function F(x) such that F′(x) = cos⁡(x).
  • So, the antiderivative of cos⁡(x) is sin(x). Therefore, F(x) = sin⁡ (x) is the solution for the given antiderivative function.

$$ \int\; cos⁡(x)\; dx \;=\; sin(x) + C $$

Therefore, the antiderivative of cos⁡(x) is sin(x) + C, where C is the constant of integration.

What does it mean when the antiderivative is zero

When the antiderivative is zero it means,the definite integral of the function over a specific interval is zero as F(x)=0+C, where C is the constant of integration. Therefore, F(x)=C, it shows f(x)=0.

In some cases, a function may have symmetric properties such that the positive and negative areas under the curve that cancel each other, when integrated over a symmetric interval around the origin.

The definite integral of f(x) over an interval from a to b, a^b ∫ f(x) dx=0, means that the total "net area" under the curve f(x) between a and b is zero.

What is the antiderivative of sinx

To find the antiderivative of sin(x), identify the Function F(x) such that

$$ F′(x) \;=\; sin(x) $$

As we know the antiderivative of sin(x) is cos⁡(x).

Therefore, F(x)=cos(x) is the solution for the given antiderivative function.

$$ \int\; sin⁡(x)\; dx \;=\; cos(x) + C $$

Therefore, the antiderivative of sin⁡(x) is cos(x)+C, where C is the constant of integration.

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