Consecutive Integers Calculator

Try out our Consecutive Integers Calculator for calculating the consecutive numbers in the sequence and get your precise answer in seconds.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Consecutive Integers Calculator

Consecutive integers calculator is an online tool that is used to find the consecutive integers solution in a fraction of a second.

Consecutive Integers Calculator with steps

It helps you to determine the solution of the sum and product of the consecutive number in a sequence. With the consecutive integer calculator, you can also find the consecutive integers' sum and product.

What are Consecutive Integers?

Consecutive integers are integers that are arranged in number to increase one by one from right to left in order such that the difference between any two consecutive integers is the same.

For example, if x is the number, then x+1, x + 2, and x+3 are its three consecutive numbers. Similarly, the consecutive number has even integers; -4, -2, 0, 2, 4,.. or consecutive odd integers; …-3, -1, 1, 3,.. Etc.

To find 3 consecutive odd integers, simply start with any odd integer and add 2 to get the next consecutive odd integer.

Formula Used for Consecutive Integer

Consecutive integers are in even or odd order to find the sum and product of these consecutive numbers. The notation used by consecutive integer problems calculator is,

Odd Consecutive number for sum or product

$$ x + \;(x + 1) + \;(x + 3) +..........+ (2n + 1x) $$

Even Consecutive numbers for the sum or product

$$ (x+2) \times (x+4) ...............(2n) $$

Consecutive integers solver is a calculator that helps find the consecutive integer sequence, whether they are even, odd, or consecutive in general using the above formula.

How to Calculate in a Consecutive Integer Calculator?

2 Consecutive integers calculator has an advanced algorithmic that is installed in its server that enables you to find the solution of 2 consecutive odd integers number problems easily and quickly.

You just add your particular word problems and the rest of the work will be done by the consecutive number calculator automatically. When you add your consecutive number as an input in a consecutive numbers calculator it will identify whether the given number is even or odd.

After identification, it starts calculating the consecutive integers after supposing some consecutive numbers as per question requirements. Then keeping the sum or product value equal to all these combine consecutive integers.

After that, you simplify the equation and find the value of x. Now add the x value in all the supposed terms one by one to get the value of the consecutive number. You can get clarity about this concept using the given example as shown below.

Solved Example of Consecutive Integers

Let's see a practical example of consecutive integers to understand the working procedure of a consecutive integer calculator.


Calculate three consecutive integers whose sum is 657.


$$ n + n + 1 + n + 2 \;=\; 657 $$

$$ 3n + 3 \;=\; 657 $$

$$ 3n \;=\; 654 $$

$$ n \;=\; 218 $$

The numbers are,

$$ 218, 219, 220 $$

Example for an even number

Julie has a board that is 5 feet long. She plans to use the board to make 4 shelves whose lengths are to be a series of consecutive even numbers. Now calculate how long should each shelf be in inches.


We have to add 2 to the previous number,

$$ let\; x \;=\; length\; of\; first\; shelf $$

$$ x + 2 \;=\; length\;of\; second\;shelf $$

$$ x + 4 \;=\; length\;of\;third\;shelf $$

$$ x + 6 \;=\; length\;of\;fourth\;shelf $$

Convert feet to inches,

$$ 5 \times 12 \;=\; 60 $$

Sum the 4 shelves,

$$ x + x + 2 + x + 4 + x + 6 \;=\; 60 $$

After simplification, we get the equation

$$ 4x + 12 \;=\; 60 $$

Separate the x variable on one side of the equation to get the value of x.

$$ 4x \;=\; 60 - 12 $$

$$ 4x \;=\; 48 $$

$$ x \;=\; 12 $$

After adding the values of x in all the consecutive numbers, we get the length of the shelf which is 12, 14, 16, and 18.

Example of the Odd Number

What is the length of the longest side if the perimeter is 45 and the lengths of the sides of the triangle are consecutive odd numbers?


To make our consecutive integer into an odd number we add 2 in x variable.

$$ let\; x \;=\; length\; of\; shortest\; side $$

$$ x + 2 \;=\; length\; of\; medium\;side $$

$$ x + 4 \;=\; length\;of\;longest\;side $$


Our triangle become

$$ Perimeter\; of\; length \;=\; a + b + c $$

$$ 45 \;=\; x + x + 2 + x + 4 $$

To get the value of x, Simply it the given equation

$$ 45 \;=\; 3x + 6 $$

$$ 3x \;=\; 45 - 6 $$

$$ 3x \;=\; 39 $$

$$ x \;=\; 13 $$

Add the value of x to find the length of the triangle.

The length of the longest is,

$$ 13 + 4 \;=\; 17 $$

How to Use Consecutive Integers Solver?

2 consecutive integers calculator has a simple design tool that enables you to use it to calculate the two algebraic equations with different methods.

Before entering the input function into the 3 consecutive odd integers calculator, you must follow some simple steps so that you get a smooth experience during the calculation. These steps are:

  1. Choose the sum and product that you want to evaluate for a consecutive number
  2. Enter your consecutive integer in the input box.
  3. Review your consecutive integer number before hitting the calculate button to start the evaluation process.
  4. Click the “Calculate” button to get the result of your given consecutive integer number problem.
  5. If you want to try out our consecutive number calculator for the first time then you can use the load example to get a better understanding of the concept of consecutive number integer
  6. Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a refresh page for more solutions of consecutive integer problems

Final Result of Consecutive Integers Calculator

3 consecutive even integers calculator gives you the solution to a given integer for a product or sum when you add the input function into it. It provides you with solutions with a detailed procedure instantly. It may be included as:

  • Result option

When you click on the Result option it gives you a solution for the consecutive number to find the given problem

  • Possible steps

It provides you with a solution in which all the evaluation processes are present in a step-by-step method of the consecutive integer problem when you click on this option.

Advantages of the Consecutive Number Calculator

Two Consecutive integers calculator provides you with multiple benefits whenever you use it to calculate problems and gives you a solution. These benefits are:

  • Consecutive integer calculator is a free-of-cost tool that enables you to use it anytime to find the consecutive integer problem in real-time.
  • Consecutive integers solver is a versatile tool that allows you to get the solution of various kinds of consecutive integer problems
  • You can try out our calculator to practice more examples of the consecutive integer, you get a strong hold on this concept
  • Our consecutive integer problems calculator saves the time that you spend on doing the consecutive integer calculations problems.
  • It is a reliable tool that provides you with accurate solutions whenever you use it to calculate consecutive for the sum and product examples without any man-made error.
  • It provides the solution with a complete process in a stepwise method so that you get clarity on the consecutive integer number problems
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