Fraction Calculator

The problem of solving a single fraction problem for hours is gone because of our fraction calculator as it gives quick and accurate solutions with steps.

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Table of Contents:

What is a Fraction Calculator?

Fraction calculator is an online digital tool that is used to find the fractions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. It determines the complex problems of proper or improper fractions and gets its solution easily without doing calculations manually.

fraction calculator with steps

Our tool is very beneficial for students, and researchers who want to solve fraction problems or learn their concepts without going to any tutor. You can use this fractions calculator for making reports, assignments, research projects, notes, etc.

Define Fraction

Fractions are the whole numbers that are represented in quotient numbers. A fraction is broken down into parts and its types are proper fraction, improper fraction, and mixed number.

It consists of two parts: the upper line number is called the numerator and the number that is present below the line is called the denominator.

Need help with fraction problems? Our fraction converter can be a helpful tool to simplify, add, subtract, or even convert between different fraction types.

Formulas Behind Fractions Calculator for (+,-,*,/)

The fraction formula used for addition, subtraction, multiplying, and dividing is given as

$$ \frac{a}{b} + \frac{c}{d} \;=\; \frac{ad + bc}{bd} $$

$$ \frac{a}{c} - \frac{c}{d} \;=\; \frac{ad - bc}{bd} $$

$$ \frac{a}{b} \times \frac{c}{d} \;=\; \frac{ac}{bd} $$

$$ \frac{a}{b} \div \frac{c}{d} \;=\; \frac{ad}{bc} $$

Types of Fraction:

Fraction has three main types according to its denominator and numerator arrangements. Its types are:

Improper Fraction

An improper fraction is a fraction in which the numerator is higher than the number of the denominator number. For example 6/4, 5/3, etc.

Proper Fraction

If the fraction numerator is less than the number value of the denominator number is called a proper fraction. For example 2/7, 4/5 etc.

Mixed Number Fraction

If the fraction has a whole number and proper fraction for example 4 1/5, 3 2/5 etc.

Calculator with Fractions - Working Process

Fraction solver has a simple procedure that is used to get the solution of fraction number problems quickly. You just add the fraction value to the calculator and it will provide you a solution within a second because it has an advanced feature in its software.

When you enter the numerator or denominator value in this fraction math calculator, it analyzes the given fraction number. It can give the solution of all the arithmetic operations to manage various types of fractions (mixed numbers, proper, improper fractions.

  • Addition

For fraction addition, the first step is to check the denominator values. If both denominators are the same, you can add the numerators of both fractions. If the denominator number value is different then first it makes the denominator value the same for both the fractions.

To make its denominator the same you need to take LCM and multiply the LCM number with the numerator and denominator. Now add the numerator number of both the fraction values to get the solution of addition because both the fractions have similar denominator values.

But what if the denominators are different? This is where a fraction calculator can be your best fit. It helps you find a common denominator for both fractions and simplifies the addition process.

  • Subtraction

For the Subtraction of fractions, you have the common denominators for both fractions. If your problem does not have the same denominator number then use our fractions calculator for the LCM method in which fractions are converted into the same denominators and then the numerators are subtracted.

  • Multiplication

Multiplication of fractions has a simpler procedure than addition or subtraction. For fraction multiplication, it simply multiplies the numerators, and then multiplies the denominator of both the fractions. After multiplication, the fraction converter simplifies the fraction to its lowest terms, to get the answer of the given fraction.

  • Division

Fraction division is similar to the fraction multiplication method. First, make the reciprocal (inverse) of the second fraction then multiply it with the first fraction. Lastly, simplify it to its lowest form and get the solution of the division fraction problem.

Example of Fraction Problems

Need help adding fractions like 1/2 and 3/4? Our fraction solver can provide the answer; however, manual practice improves skills. Please take a look at the example below for a detailed explanation.


For mixed number fraction

Find the mixed number fraction for addition.

$$ -2\frac{3}{4} + 3\frac{5}{7} $$


Apply the formula of mixed number fraction for addition

$$ -2\frac{3}{4} + 3\frac{5}{7} $$

$$ =\; (-2 + 3) + \biggr( \frac{-3}{4} + \frac{5}{7} \biggr) $$

$$ =\;1 + \frac{-3 \times 7}{4 \times 7} + \frac{ 5 \times 4}{7 \times 4} $$

$$ =\; 1 + \frac{-21}{28} + \frac{20}{28} $$

$$ \; 1 + \frac{-21 + 20}{28} $$

$$ 1 + \frac{-1}{28} $$

$$ \frac{27}{28} $$


For proper fraction

Find the proper number fraction for subtraction.

$$ \frac{3}{4} - \frac{5}{8} $$


Apply the formula of proper fraction for subtraction

$$ \frac{(3 \times 8) - (5 \times 4)}{4 \times 8} $$

$$ =\;\frac{24 - 20}{32} $$

$$ =\; \frac{4}{32} $$

$$ \frac{ 4 \div 4}{32 \div 4} \;=\; \frac{1}{8} $$

$$ \frac{3}{4} - \frac{5}{8} \;=\; \frac{1}{8} $$


For improper fraction

Find the improper number fraction for subtraction.

$$ \frac{3}{2} - \frac{7}{4} $$


Apply the formula of improper fraction for subtraction

$$ \frac{(3 \times 4) - (7 \times 2)}{2 \times 4} $$

$$ =\;\frac{12 - 14}{8} $$

$$ =; \frac{-2}{8} $$

How to Use a Fraction Calculator?

This user-friendly calculator with fractions allows you to use it to calculate the two fractions with different arithmetic operations.

When using a calculator for fractions, a few simple steps can lead to an incredible experience. Follow these guidelines before entering the input function to ensure everything runs smoothly.

  1. Choose the simple or mixed fraction that you want to evaluate a fraction problem
  2. Choose the arithmetic operation at which you want to evaluate your fraction problem
  3. Enter your fraction value in the input box.
  4. Review your fraction value before hitting the calculate button to start the evaluation process.
  5. Click the “Calculate” button to get the result of your given fraction number problem.
  6. If you want to try out our fraction variable calculator for the first time then you can use the load example to get a better understanding of the concept of consecutive number integer
  7. Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a refreshed page for more solutions of fraction questions in arithmetic operations.

Output from Calculator Fractions

Fraction solver gives you the solution to a given fraction question when you add the input number to it. It provides you with solutions with a detailed procedure It may be included as:

  • Result Option

When you click on the Result option it gives you a solution to the given fraction value

  • Possible Steps

It provides you with a solution in which all the evaluation processes are present in a step-by-step method of the fraction problem when you click on this option.

Benefits of Using Calculator for Fractions

Fractions calculator provides you with multiple benefits whenever you use it to calculate problems and gives you a solution. You do not need to do anything, just simply add the input value into the calculator. These benefits are:

  • It is a free-of-cost tool so you use it anytime to find the fraction problem for arithmetic operations in real time.
  • It is a versatile tool that allows you to get the solution of various kinds of fraction questions.
  • You can try out our fraction converter to practice more examples of the mixed, proper, or improper fractions and you get a strong hold on this concept
  • It provides the solution with a complete process in a stepwise method so that you get clarity on the fraction number problems
  • It is a reliable tool that provides you with accurate solutions whenever you use it to calculate fractions for the sum, division, subtraction, and product examples without any man-made error.
  • Our fraction calculator saves the time you spend on complex fraction calculation problems
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