GCF Calculator

Do you want to find the GCF of any number? Not a problem, you can find the GCF of any given number with the help of our GCF Calculator.

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Table of Contents:

What is the GCF Calculator?

GCF calculator is an online tool that is used to evaluate the largest positive integer from a set of positive integers that can be divided by that number. It helps you to find two or more than two integers' greatest common factor from a given number.

GCF Calculator with Steps

Several methods(factorization method or prime factor) are used to finding the GCF, so it is very difficult for students to choose which method gives them the best result.

To reduce this problem we introduce our greatest common factor calculator that provides you with correct answers to your particular problems.

What is the Greatest Common Factor?

The greatest common factor is the factors that divide the integers and give zero in the remainder. That is why it is known as the Greatest common divisor. It is the most important method in mathematics that reduces fractions into the simplest form and finds the common divisor from them.

The greatest common factor can also be referred to as the greatest common denominator when working with fractions.

The greatest common factor method was discovered by the Greek mathematician Euclid to solve the complex calculation of two or more two integer problems to find the highest or greatest common factors.

How to Calculate GCF Using Greatest Common Factor Calculator?

The greatest common factor can be calculated with different methods like factorization, prime factor to solve integer number problems. To find the highest common factor quickly or easily, use the highest common factor calculator and along with these methods.

Factorization Method

In the factorization method, gcf factor calculator find all the factors of the given numbers. After that, it makes a list of these factors as per the given number.

Then it match all the common factors from the numbers factors. After finding the common factors take the highest common factor for a solution so that factor is our greatest common factor.

Prime Factors / Factorization Method

The prime factor or tree factor method is also used to solve gcf problems in which the given number is written at the top of the tree. It writes all the multiply factors of a given number first and makes a list of all these factors of both numbers.

In this step, highest common factor calculator uses the factorization method in which matches all the common factors and finds the highest number value. That highest value factor is the greatest common factor of the given number.

Division Method

To find the gcf division method is used in which the largest number is divided by the smallest integer. Then gcf finder takes the divisor from the previous step and divides with that divisor.

Gcf factoring calculator repeats this process to use a divisor as a dividend until the remainder does not become zero. After the remainder becomes zero the last divisor you find is the greatest common factor.

Let's see an example of a greatest common factor question with a solution to know how to do manual calculations and to understand the gcf calculator working method.


What is the Greatest Common Factor of 12 and 8


Use the prime factor method to find factors of given numbers

$$ The\; prime\;factors\; of\; 12 \; are: 2, 2, 3 $$

$$ The\; prime\; factors\; of\; 8\; are: 2, 2, 2 $$

$$ Coprime\; numbers\; are\; 2,2 $$

$$ Greatest\; common\; factor \;=\; 2 \times 2 $$

$$ GCF \;=\; 4 $$


What is the Greatest Common Factor of 24 and 36


Using the factorization method to get the solution of the greatest common factor,

$$ The\; factors\; of\; 8 \;are: 1, 2, 4, 8 $$

$$ The\; factors\; of\; 12\; are: 1, 2,3, 4, 6, 12 $$

$$ Then\; the\; greatest\; common\; factor\; is\; 4 $$


What are the Greatest Common Factors of 16 and 24


Use the division method to solve the greatest common factor

\require{enclose} \begin{array}{r} 1 \\[-3pt] 16 \enclose{longdiv}{24} \\[-3pt] \underline{-16}\phantom{2} \\ 2 \\[-3pt] 8 \enclose{longdiv}{16} \\[-3pt] \underline{-16}\phantom{2} \\[-3pt] 0 \end{array}

How do Find the Greatest Common Factor in GCF Calculator

Greatest common factor calculator has a simple interface so that you can use it to calculate the greatest common factor from the given number value problems.

Before giving the input value in our gcf finder, you must follow some instructions so that you do not have any inconvenience in the evaluation process. Here are the steps on how to calculate GCF:


  1. Enter the integer number in the input field.
  2. Review your input number problem because if it is not true it does not give you the exact solution of the greatest common factor for the given number.
  3. Click the “Calculate” button to get the result of the greatest common divisor from the given integers
  4. Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a new page to solve more highest common factors problems


Gcf calculator gives you the solution of the two or more two integer numbers greatest common factor when you add the input to it. It provides you with solutions in a step-wise process. It may contain as

  • The result option gives you a solution for the greatest common factor problems.
  • The possible step provides you with all the steps of the problem of the greatest common factor of a given numbers

These steps will help you find the greatest common factor or the greatest common denominator using the greatest common factor calculator

Benefits of Using Highest Common Factor Calculator

Gcf factor calculator will give you tons of advantages whenever you use it to calculate the greatest common divisor value of a given number. These benefits are:

  • lt saves time and effort from doing complex computations problems to get the highest common factor solution
  • Gcf factoring calculator is a free-of-cost tool so you can use it for free to find the value of divsor whose remainder is zero.
  • Algebra calculator gcf is a versatile tool that allows you to solve different types of complicated questions of gcf problems with various methods of finding factors
  • You can use this calculator for practice so that you may be familiar with the concept of the greatest common factor questions with the help of our gcf calculator
  • gcf solver is a trustworthy tool that provides you with accurate solutions every time whenever you use it to find the gcf for different number calculations.
  • The gcf finder can help find the highest common denominator when working with fractions, expanding its utility.

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