Linear Interpolation Calculator

The linear interpolation calculator helps to calculate the interpolation linear problems and give solution with step by step explanation.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Linear Interpolation Calculator:

Linear Interpolation Calculator with steps is an online tool that helps you to calculate interpolation linear questions in a couple of seconds. Our tool determines the estimating values between two points on a straight line.

Linear Interpolation Calculator with steps

The interpolation linear calculator is a great source of learning about linear interpolation methods for students, teachers, and researchers. As it simply the process of finding the middle value that is used in various fields like mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer graphics

What is Linear Interpolation?

Linear interpolation is a numerical analysis method used to find the estimated value from the given two endpoints on the graph. It is used to find the approximate values that are present between two known points at a plane.

It builds a linear relationship between the known points and the estimated point values at ends points along a straight line in a simple way.

What is Linear Interpolation Formula?

The linear interpolation formula is used to find the unknown value of y coordinates. The linear interpolation calculator uses this formula for its calculations which is given below,

$$ y \;=\; y_0 + \frac{(x - x_0) . (y_1 - y_0)}{(x_1 - x_0)} $$


  • x0 and x1 are the known point value of x.
  • y0 and y1 are the known point values of y.
  • x is the estimated value of y.
  • y is the interpolated value of y

How to Calculate Linear Interpolation?

The linear interpolation solver uses the linear interpolation method which makes it very easy to calculate the unknown points from the given plane with the help of the formula of linear interpolation.

Let's see how the linear interpolator calculator calculate interpolation linear with the help of an example with the solution. Suppose x = 6 along with Coordinates (7,5) and (8,9) find the y value with the linear interpolation formula.

Step 1:

First determine the given point as (x0, y0), (x1, y1),....(xn,yn) of a line. So, the given points are

$$ x_0 \;=\; 7 \;,y_0 \;=\; 5 $$

$$ x_1 \;=\; 8 \;,y_1 \;=\; 9 $$

Step 2:

Then check the x coordinate value for the estimated point through which you want to find the y coordinates value. In the example, the x coordinate value is 6 as x = 6.

Step 3:

Apply the interpolation formula, and put all the given values to find the linear interpolation point.

$$ y \;=\; y_0 + \frac{(x - x_0) . (y_1 - y_0)}{(x_1 . x_0)} $$

Step 4:

Simplify the values that you put on the formula to get the linear interpolation for y coordinates.

$$ y \;=\; 5 + (6-7) . \frac{(9-5)}{(8-7)} $$

$$ y \;=\; 5 + \frac{(-1).4}{(1)} $$

$$ y \;=\; 5 - 4 $$

$$ y \;=\; 1 $$

Step 5:

After calculation, you get the point of y coordinates because x coordinates are already present as (x,y) = (6,1). These are the interpolation points on a line.

The linear interpolation formula calculator uses the same above steps to solve the linear interpolation problems which you can also use to solve the complex problems.

How to Use the Linear Interpolation Calculator?

The interpolation linear calculator has an easy-to-use interface that enables you to use it to calculate linear interpolation questions. You must follow some simple steps to avoid trouble during the calculation process. These steps are:

  • Enter the value of given points (x0, y0), (x1, y1),....(xn,yn) in the input box.
  • Enter the value of the x coordinate in the input box.
  • Recheck your input point value before hitting the calculate button to start the calculation process in the linear interpolation solver.
  • Click on the “Calculate” button to get the desired result for the interpolation method problem. If you want to try out the linear interpolator calculator to check its accuracy in solution, then you must try out the load example to get clarity
  • Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a new page for the determination of more values to get the estimated value.

Outcome from Interpolation Linear Calculator:

Linear interpolation Calculator with steps gives you the solution to a given value for interpolation points problem when you give input it. It provides you with solutions in the form of the y coordinate of a line in a step-wise process. It may contain:

  • Result option provides you with a solution of interpolation points from the known values on a graph line.
  • Possible steps option provides you with a solution where all calculation steps are included in detail.

Benefits of Using Linear Interpolation Solver:

Linear interpolation equation calculator gives you multiple benefits whenever you use it to calculate linear interpolation problems for an unknown value of y. These benefits are:

  • Our linear interpolation equation formula calculator saves the time and effort that you consume during the lengthy calculation of the linear interpolation method.
  • Interpolation linear calculator is a free-of-cost tool that provides you with a solution for linear interpolation method without paying.
  • It is an adaptive tool that helps you to find the linear interpolation point from the given points in a plane
  • You can use this linear interpolation formula calculator for practice so that you get in-depth knowledge about this concept.
  • It is a trustworthy tool that provides you with exact solutions as per your input value whenever you use it to find the interpolation points problem.
  • The linear interpolation Calculator with steps provides an accurate solution whenever you use it for the evaluation of linear interpolation questions.
Related References
Frequently Ask Questions

Are linear and circular interpolation the same?

No, linear interpolation and circular interpolation are two different methods but they have some similarities as well. Here are the similarities or differences between them:

Linear Interpolation:

Linear interpolation is a process that is used to estimate the interpolate values that are in the middle of two known points on a straight line. Its formula depends on a straight line where the known points are present along that line. It is used in animations computer graphics or in a dataset.

Circular Interpolation:

Circular interpolation is a technique used in computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and robotics objects to move a tool or machine in a circular path.

It generates a smooth curve by moving along the circumference of a circle or arc in designs or animations while interpolation is used to fill the points during the dataset.

Can you use similar triangle with linear interpolation?

No, you cannot use similar triangles with linear interpolation since they are related concepts, but in different contexts for distinct purposes.

Similar Triangles:

Similar triangles are triangles that have the same shape but it has different sizes. Its corresponding angles are equal, but the corresponding sides are proportional to each other.

It is used to draw geometric problems, distance, angles, and proportional reasoning in physics, architecture, or engineering.

Linear Interpolation:

Linear interpolation is a method used to find the estimated intermediate values from the known points on a straight line in a plane. It is used in approx value between two points, generate the transition and animation or computer graphics, etc.

Therefore, both concepts have proportional relationships, but in different contexts with different purposes.

Does linear interpolation be used for prediction?

Yes, linear interpolation can be used for prediction because it estimates the interpolation point from the given points on a line. It builds a relationship between the x variable(independent) and y variable (dependent) with the help of given known points on a straight line.

In real life it uses the prediction method in various fields such as finance where you predict stock prices based on given data, in meteorology it estimates the future temperatures based on observations, etc.

How to find volume using linear interpolation?

Linear interpolation can be used to estimate volume when you have a known volume that measures at different points under some conditions. Here's the evaluation process using linear interpolation for volume.

  1. Identify the points that represent the volume at different points in time. E.g time, hour or day, etc.
  2. Then plot a graph on the basis of the above points so that you can visualize the relationship between independent or dependent variables from the given data.
  3. After that determine the endpoints at which you want to evaluate the interpolate points.
  4. Apply the linear Interpolation formula and put the given volume points
  5. After simplification of the volume points you get the estimated value on the graph
  6. Recheck your estimated value between two points to know if your value is correct or not.

What is piecewise linear interpolation?

Piecewise linear interpolation is a method of interpolation in which the points of linear line segments from the given data within an interval are piecewise. Rather than taking the linear relationship between two points, piecewise linear interpolation breaks the interval of two points into smaller segments and by maintaining the linearity of function in each segment on a plane.

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