Reciprocal Calculator

Calculate the reciprocal of different numbers, including fractions, decimals, whole numbers, integers, or mixed fractions, using our reciprocal calculator.

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Table of Contents:

What is the Reciprocal Calculator

Reciprocal Calculator is an online source that helps you to find the reciprocal of a given number in a few seconds. Our tool determines the reciprocal of different numbers like fractions, decimals, whole numbers, integers, or mixed fractions.

Reciprocal Calculator with Steps

It is a very helpful tool not only for students, but also for professionals or researchers because it is used in physics, engineering, finance, medicine, statistics, navigation, and construction.

What is a Reciprocal

Reciprocal is stated as the multiplicative inverse of a given number. It means that when you multiply a number with its reciprocal it will give you 1 in result.

In other words, reciprocal interchange is the numerator to the denominator of a given number. You can check whether your reciprocal is correct, by dividing the number by its reciprocal. Your reciprocal value is correct if you get 1 in solution.

What is the Rule of Reciprocal

In mathematics, the reciprocal is the multiplicative inverse of a number. If x is the given number, then its reciprocal is 1/x. Mathematically, the calculator reciprocal represent it in the following way,

$$ x . \frac{1}{x} \;=\; 1 $$

How to Calculate the Reciprocal

A simple process is used to calculate the reciprocal of a number for fractions, decimal numbers, integers, and mixed fractions. Let's take a look at how to find the reciprocal for various types of numbers separately.

For Whole Numbers or Integer

Take the number that you want to find the reciprocal number value. If the given number is a whole number, you convert it into a fraction by placing it over 1.

For example, if the given number is 3, then its reciprocal is ⅓.

The same procedure is followed for a negative number, If the number is negative, the reciprocal is also negative. For example, if the number is -5, the reciprocal would be −1/5.

If you have no time or are tired of manual calculations, you can use our reciprocal calculator. It will provide accurate data in a second, without any charges.

For Fraction

Example: what is the reciprocal of ½

To solve the reciprocal of 1/2, simply transform the numerator and the denominator number value.

$$ \frac{2}{1} $$

$$ \frac{1}{2} \;=\; \frac{2}{1} \;=\; 2 $$

So, the reciprocal of 1/2 is 2/1. Thus,1/2 and its reciprocal 2 are multiplicative inverses of each other.

Example: What is the Reciprocal of 3/2

The reciprocal of fraction 3/2 is obtained when you interchange the numerator or denominator values.

$$ \frac{2}{3} $$

$$ \frac{3}{2} \;=\; \frac{2}{3} \;=\; 0.6667 $$

Therefore the reciprocal of 3/2=⅔

For Mixed Number or Mixed Fraction

Example:what is the reciprocal of 1 ½

To find the reciprocal of mixed number 1 1/2, first, transform into a proper fraction:

$$ 1 \frac{1}{2} \;=\; 2+ \frac{1}{2} \;=\; \frac{3}{2} $$

Now, find reciprocal of 3/2

Mixed number into an improper fraction,

$$ 1 \frac{1}{2} \;=\; \frac{3}{2} $$

$$ \frac{3}{2} \;=\; \frac{2}{3} $$

So, the reciprocal of 1 1/2 Is ⅔

By analyzing this example you'll know how to find the reciprocal of a fraction.

How to Use the Negative Reciprocal Calculator

The reciprocal fraction calculator has an easy-to-use interface that you can use to calculate the reciprocal of different kinds of numbers. Following some simple steps before adding the input value problems into the calculator. These steps are:

  1. Choose the type of number (decimal number, simple number, fraction, mixed fraction, etc.
  2. Enter your first number in the input box.
  3. Enter your second number in the next input box (If your number is in fraction or mixed fraction.
  4. Check your number value before hitting the calculate button to start the calculation process in the reciprocal solver.
  5. Click on the “Calculatebutton to get the desired result of your given reciprocal problem.
  6. Initially, you can use the load example to have a better understanding of our reciprocal finder.
  7. Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a new page for solving more number values in this calculator.

Final Result of Reciprocal Fraction Calculator

Our tool gives you the solution to a given problem when you add input. It provides you with solutions in a stepwise process for better understanding. It may contain the following:

  • Result Option

You can click on the result option as it provides a solution for reciprocal problems.

  • Possible Step

When you click on the possible steps option, the solution to the reciprocal problem is displayed, and all calculation steps are mentioned in detail.

Useful Features of Reciprocal Solver

Negative reciprocal calculator has many useful features that gives you multiple advantages whenever you use it to calculate reciprocal of different numbers. These advantages are:

  • Our calculator reciprocal, save your time and effort from doing calculations of the reciprocal of a given number in a few seconds.
  • It is a free-of-cost tool, so you can use it to find the inverse multiple of number questions.
  • It is an adaptable tool that can be used to solve a variety of numbers, including fractions, whole numbers, decimal numbers, and mixed fractions. It also allows you to learn how to find the reciprocal.
  • You can use this calculator for practice to get a strong hold on reciprocal concepts.
  • It is a handy tool that can be used anywhere with an electronic device, like a computer, laptop, or tablet.
  • Reciprocal fraction calculator is a reliable tool that always provides accurate solutions when used to calculate a given reciprocal question.
  • Reciprocal finder provides a solution with a complete process in a step-by-step method so that you get more clarity about the reciprocal method.

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