Binomial Coefficient Calculator

Determine the binomial coefficient with the help of the binomial coefficient calculator with simple and easy steps.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Binomial Coefficient Calculator

The binomial Coefficient Calculator is an online tool that helps you to find the binomial coefficient using the binomial theorem.

binomial coefficient calculator with steps

Our binomial theorem expansion calculator is beneficial for students, researchers, and professionals in various fields such as mathematics, statistics, and computer science, where binomial coefficients play a key role in making assignments, presentations, notes, etc.

What is a Binomial Coefficient?

A binomial coefficient is defined as the total number of combinations that can be made from any set of integers n and k if it follows the given condition n>k for binomial theorem expansion. The integer of binomial coefficients n and k is always non-negative.

Formula Used by Binomial Theorem Expansion Calculator:

The binomial coefficient formula which is used by the binomial coefficient calculator comes from the binomial theorem expansion. The binomial coefficient formula looks similar to the combination formula but has some changes according to its theorem.

$$ (a+b)^n \;=\; \sum_{k=0}^{n} \biggr( \binom{n}{k} \biggr) a^{n-k}b^{k} $$


a,b are the given numbers

n: number of coefficients, where n is the fixed number of integer

K: number of elements you choose as k=0,1,2,3,4…..

Working Process of Binomial Expression Calculator

The binomial coefficients calculator uses the easiest working process to solve binomial coefficient problems that enable you to understand the binomial coefficient concept easily without getting into any trouble.

When you enter the input value for finding binomial coefficients, this binomial factorial calculator analyzes the given data of n and k value of integer as n>k is the compulsory condition for a given problem solution. After identification of the integers, it expands the given input according to the binomial theorem.

In binomial expansion, n is divided by k value and then multiplied with a^k.b^n-kwith every term. The same method follows for all terms in binomial expansion, where n is a fixed integer while k changes every term from 0,1,2,3 (n number of terms only) as shown in the example.

Then binomial theorem coefficient calculator adds all these n numbers of terms binomial combination as shown in the example. After simplification, it gives the solution of binomial coefficients for n=3 integer.

Let's observe an example to evaluate binomial coefficients as given below to check the working behind our binomial coefficient calculator.

Calculate Binomial Coefficient - Example

The binomial expression calculator solves binomial coefficients easily but it's crucial to understand the manual process. So an example is given,


$$ (a+b)^3 \;as\; n \;=\; 3\; and \; k \;=\; 0,1,2,3 $$


$$ (a+b)^3 $$

$$ \;=\; \biggr( \binom{3}{0} \biggr) a^0 b^{3-0} + \biggr( \binom{3}{1} \biggr) a^1 b^{3-1} + \biggr( \binom{3}{2} \biggr)a^2 b^{3-2} + \biggr( \binom{3}{3} \biggr)a^3 b^{3-3} $$

$$ \;=\; \biggr( \binom{3}{0} \biggr) b^{3} + \biggr( \binom{3}{1} \biggr)ab^{2} + \biggr( \binom{3}{2} \biggr)a^2 b + \biggr( \binom{3}{3} \biggr)a^3 $$

$$ \frac{3!}{(3-0)!0!}b^3 + \frac{3!}{(3-1)!1!}ab^2 + \frac{3!}{(3-2)!2!}a^2b + \frac{3!}{(3-3)!3!}a^3 $$

$$ \frac{3!}{3!0!}b^3 + \frac{3!}{2!1!}ab^2 + \frac{3!}{1!2!}a^2b + \frac{3!}{0!3!}a^3 $$

$$ b^3 + 3ab^2 + 3a^2b + a^3 $$

How to Use the Binomial Coefficient Calculator?

The binomial factorial calculator has a user-friendly design so that you can use it to evaluate the Binomial Coefficient questions in a few seconds.

Before adding the input value to our binomial expression calculator, you must follow some of our guidelines so that you do not find any difficulty during the calculation process. These guidelines are:

  1. Enter the particular value of n integer in the input box.
  2. Enter the value of k integer in the input box to find the binomial coefficient problems.
  3. Review your input values before you hit the calculate button.
  4. Click on the calculate button to get the desired result of your given Binomial Coefficient problem.
  5. If you want to try out our binomial theorem expansion calculator first for practice, then you can use the load example that gives you better clarity about its working process.
  6. Click on the Recalculate button to get a new page for solving more Binomial Coefficient problems.

Result from Binomial Coefficients Calculator

Binomial Coefficient Calculator gives you the solution to the Binomial Coefficient problem when you add the input to it. With that, It provides you with solutions in detail in no time. It may contain as:

  • Result option gives you a solution for the Binomial Coefficient problem.
  • Possible step option provides you with a step-wise solution for the evaluation process of the Binomial Coefficient problem with an explanation.

Advantages of Binomial Factorial Calculator:

The binomial expression calculator gives you multiple advantages whenever you use it to calculate Binomial Coefficient problems in less than a minute.

If you do the manual calculation then you cannot find the solution easily to the given Binomial Coefficient questions during the calculation. So you should use the binomial coefficients calculator which has multiple advantages. These advantages are:

  • Our binomial theorem coefficient calculator can find the nth number of integers of the Binomial Coefficient.
  • It is a reliable tool as It always gives you accurate results every time with minimum error in the evaluation of Binomial Coefficient problems.
  • The binomial theorem expansion calculator saves your time and effort from doing complex and long-form computations by hand.
  • It is a simple design tool that helps you to operate for the calculation of n number of integers easily.
  • You should use our tool to solve different examples for practice to get a strong grip on the Binomial Coefficient concept.
  • The binomial coefficient calculator is a free tool you do not need to pay any fee for calculation.
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