Equivalent Fractions Calculator

Finding the equivalent fractions value is not a big issue now because of our equivalent fractions calculator that can give step-by-step answers of such questions easily.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Equivalent Fractions Calculator:

Equivalent fractions calculator is a useful tool for finding equivalent fractions value of your given fraction in a few. It can evaluate all the possible equivalent fractions of a given fraction term without getting any manual instruction except the fraction you give as input.

Equivalent Fractions Calculator with Steps

The Equivalent fraction calculator is a learning tool that helps students and teachers understand how to find the equivalent fractions quickly and easily.

What is an Equivalent Fraction?

Equivalent fraction is a different method for fractions in which the given term has different numerators and denominators values but in return, it represents the same value or proportion of the whole number.

For example, the fraction is a 1/2, when you generate the equivalent fraction you get 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, and 5/10 they represent the same portion of a whole.

How to Find Equivalent Fractions?

You should know the working method of the equivalent fractions calculator to know how it finds all the equivalent fractions for the given fraction value.

It is necessary because when you do the manual calculation you may commit mistakes, and then again you do the calculations. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how the equivalent fractions solver evaluates the fraction:

Step 1:

The fraction equivalent calculator first determines the numerator or denominator values.

Step 2:

Then, the equivalent fraction finder multiplies and divides the same whole number with the numerator and denominator.

Step 3:

Make sure you take the smaller whole number at the beginning.

Step 4:

After multiplying and dividing 3 to 4 numbers with the given fraction the equivalent fraction generator gives the solution in the form of the equivalent form.

For example, When you find equivalent fractions for 1/2, the calculator for equivalent fractions multiplies the numerator and denominator by 2, 3, 4, etc., producing 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, and so on.

Solved Example of Equivalent Fraction:

The equivalent fractions calculator can help you solve complex equivalent fractions problems but it is also important to understand how to find equivalent fractions manually. For that, an example is given below,


What fraction is equivalent to ⅓?

To convert 1/3 into an equivalent fraction that represents the same value. You can get the equivalent fractions by multiplying the same number.

Step 1:
Multiply and divide 1/3 by 2

$$ \frac{1 \times 2}{3 \times 2} \;=\; \frac{2}{6} $$

Step 2:
Multiply and divide 1/3 by 3

$$ \frac{1 \times 3}{3 \times 3} \;=\; \frac{3}{9} $$

Step 3:
Multiply and divide 1/3 by 4

$$ \frac{ 1 \times 4}{3 \times 4} \;=\; \frac{4}{12} $$

Step 4:
Multiply and divide 1/3 by 5

$$ \frac{ 1 \times 5}{3 \times 5} \;=\; \frac{5}{15} $$

Therefore the equivalent fraction result is

$$ \frac{2}{6}, \frac{3}{9}, \frac{4}{12} , \frac{5}{15} $$

How to Use the Equivalent Fractions Calculator?

The equivalent fraction calculator has a simple layout that allows you to calculate the fraction from the given term. Follow some of our simple steps before using it to find the solution and you get an amazing experience. These steps are:

  • Enter the numerator value for the equivalent fraction in the input field.
  • Enter the denominator value for the equivalent fraction in the next input field.
  • Review your fraction before pressing the calculate button of the equivalent fractions solver so that you get the exact solution without any mistakes.
  • Click on the “Calculate” button to get the solution of the equivalent fractions problem.
  • Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a new page for more evaluation of the equivalent fraction questions.
  • If you want to check the accuracy of our fraction equivalent calculator then you should first try out the load example and get a precise solution every time.

Output of Equivalent Fraction Calculator:

The equivalent fractions calculator gives you a solution to your given fraction value problem after you click on the calculated button. It may include the following:

  • Result Option:

The result option provides you with solutions for equivalent fraction problems.

  • Possible Steps:

Possible steps provide you with solutions to equivalent fraction examples in a step-wise process.

Advantages of Equivalent Fractions Solver?

The equivalent fraction finder provides you with tons of advantages whenever you use it to calculate the equivalent fraction question to find its solution. These advantages make our tool unique to use for better learning of equivalent fraction concepts.

  • The equivalent fraction generator saves the time and energy that you consume while finding equivalent fractions questions manually.
  • It is a handy tool that can operate through a computer, laptop, or mobile with the help of internet.
  • Equivalent fraction calculator has a user-friendly interface so that you can solve equivalent fraction problems easily.
  • The Fraction equivalent calculator provides you the accurate solution as per your given input term for the equivalent fraction question.
  • Equivalent fractions calculator is an educational tool that helps you to become easily familiar with the concept of the equivalent fraction without going to any tutor.
Related References
Frequently Ask Questions

What fraction is equivalent to 1/4?

To convert 1/4 into an equivalent fraction that represents the same value. You can get the equivalent fractions by multiplying the same number.

Step 1:
Multiply and divide 1/4 by 2,

$$ \frac{1 \times 2}{4 \times 2} \;=\; \frac{2}{8} $$

Step 2:
Multiply and divide 1/4 by 3,

$$ \frac{1 \times 3}{4 \times 3} \;=\; \frac{3}{12} $$

Step 3:
Multiply and divide 1/4 by 4,

$$ \frac{1 \times 4}{4 \times 4} \;=\; \frac{4}{16} $$

Step 4:
Multiply and divide 1/4 by 5,

$$ \frac{1 \times 5}{4 \times 5} \;=\; \frac{5}{20} $$

Therefore the equivalent fraction result is 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20.

What is the equivalent fraction of 3/4?

To convert 3/4 into an equivalent fraction that represents the same value. You can get the equivalent fractions by multiplying the same number.

Step 1:
Multiply and divide 3/4 by 2,

$$ \frac{3 \times 2}{4 \times 2} \;=\; \frac{6}{8} $$

Step 2:
Multiply and divide 3/4 by 3,

$$ \frac{3 \times 3}{4 \times 3} \;=\; \frac{9}{12} $$

Step 3:
Multiply and divide 3/4 by 4,

$$ \frac{3 \times4}{4 \times 4} \;=\; \frac{12}{16} $$

Step 4:
Multiply and divide 3/4 by 5,

$$ \frac{3 \times 5}{4 \times 5} \;=\; \frac{15}{20} $$

Therefore the equivalent fraction result is 6/8, 9/12, 12/16, 15/20.

What are equivalent fractions to 2/3?

To convert 2/3 into an equivalent fraction that represents the same value. You can get the equivalent fractions by multiplying the same number.

Step 1:
Multiply and divide 2/3 by 2,

$$ \frac{2 \times 2}{3 \times 2} \;=\; \frac{4}{6} $$

Step 2:
Multiply and divide 2/3 by 3,

$$ \frac{2 \times 3}{3 \times 3} \;=\; \frac{6}{9} $$

Step 3:
Multiply and divide 2/3 by 4,

$$ \frac{2 \times 4}{3 \times 4} \;=\; \frac{8}{12} $$

Step 4:
Multiply and divide 2/3 by 5,

$$ \frac{2 \times 5}{3 \times 5} \;=\; \frac{10}{15} $$

Therefore the equivalent fraction result is 4/6, 6/9, 8/12, 10/15.

What fraction is equivalent to 2/5?

To convert 2/5 into an equivalent fraction that represents the same value. You can get the equivalent fractions by multiplying the same number.

Step 1:
Multiply and divide 2/5 by 2,

$$ \frac{2 \times 2}{5 \times 2} \;=\; \frac{4}{10} $$

Step 2:
Multiply and divide 2/5 by 3,

$$ \frac{2 \times 3}{5 \times 3} \;=\; \frac{6}{15} $$

Step 3:
Multiply and divide 2/5 by 4,

$$ \frac{2 \times 4}{5 \times 4} \;=\; \frac{8}{20} $$

Step 4:
Multiply and divide 2/5 by 5,

$$ \frac{2 \times 5}{5 \times 5} \;=\; \frac{10}{25} $$

Therefore the equivalent fraction result is 4/10, 6/15, 8/20, 10/25

What fraction is equivalent to 4/6?

To convert 4/6 into an equivalent fraction that represents the same value. You can get the equivalent fractions by multiplying the same number.

Step 1:
Multiply and divide 4/6 by 2,

$$ \frac{4 \times 2}{6 \times 2} \;=\; \frac{8}{12} $$

Step 2:
Multiply and divide 4/6 by 3,

$$ \frac{4 \times 3}{6 \times 3} \;=\; \frac{12}{18} $$

Step 3:
Multiply and divide 4/6 by 4,

$$ \frac{4 \times 4}{6 \times 4} \;=\; \frac{16}{24} $$

Therefore the equivalent fraction result is 8/12, 12/18, 16/24.

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