Golden Ratio Calculator

If you want to find the golden ratio then use the golden ratio calculator and feel free to determine the golden ratios for free.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to the Golden Ratio Calculator

Golden Ratio Calculator is a powerful tool that is designed to help you understand the mathematical concept of the golden ratio. Our tool determines the ratio between two quantities by keeping them equal according to the golden ratio equation.

Golden Ratio Calculator with Steps

What is the Golden Ratio?

Golden ratio is defined as a special ratio in which two quantities are involved where the ratio sum of one larger quantity to the ratio of another quantity. It is often denoted by the Greek letter phi (φ), which is a mathematical constant. It is approximately equal to 1.61803398875.

Mathematically, the golden ratio can be defined in several ways:

a and ๐‘, the golden section can be expressed as

$$ ๐‘Ž + ๐‘๐‘Ž \;=\; \frac{๐‘Ž}{๐‘} $$

Golden ratio can be seen in various contexts in nature, art, architecture, and mathematics. It is often associated with proportions and the dimensions of many natural objects, like in seashells, flowers, and even in human faces.

Formula of the Golden Ratio:

Mathematically, the formula of the golden ratio can be expressed using the following formula in which a+b is the sum of the ratio and 1/a is another ratio. The formula used by the Golden Ratio Calculator to solve golden ratio problems is,

$$ \frac{a}{b} \;=\; \frac{a + b}{a} \;=\; 1.618 … \;=\; \emptyset $$

Therefore, any value of a, b in the divine proportion calculator’s calculation only gives an approximation value for the golden ratio.

How to Calculate the Golden Ratio?

The golden ratio can be calculated in various ways, but one of the most common methods is the Fibonacci sequence. Here's how the magic ratio calculator calculates the approximate value of the golden section using the Fibonacci sequence:

  • Golden mean calculator starts with the Fibonacci sequence, in which it takes two supposed values to get 2 and 1 then takes the sum of 0 and 1 which becomes 2+1=3. You can choose any consecutive quantity sequence of Fibonacci numbers which is 1,1,2,3,5,8,......
  • Then golden section ratio calculator divides the smaller number by the larger number ½ because a is always greater than the quantity of b. You get solution ½ is 0.5.
  • As you can see the sum value is not closely or equal to other quantity approx number. If a number is not equal to the approximate value then the golden cut calculator again takes another value.
  • Divine proportion calculator repeats this process until the approximate sum and division values are the same.
  • As you continue further along the Fibonacci sequence, the ratio of consecutive numbers approaches the golden section and gets an accurate value.

Another method used by the golden mean ratio calculator to calculate golden ratio number is algebraically:

  • Solve the quadratic equation ๐‘ฅ2=๐‘ฅ+1 to find the roots φ.
  • φ2=φ+1 and φ=1/φ
  • The φ is always positive in the equation which is known as the golden ratio, which is approximately equal to 1.61803398875.

These are just a couple of methods to calculate the golden ratio number. Still, it is necessary to note that the value φ which is irrational, meaning it cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction or finite decimal.

Practical Example of a Golden Ratio

Let's see a practical example of the golden section problem to understand the working procedure of the Golden ratio calculator.


Find the golden ratio of a given table.

$$ n \;=\; 0 \; 1 \; 2 \; 3 \; 4 \; 5 \; 6 \; 7 \; 8 \; 9 \; 10 \; 11 \; 12 \; 13 \; 14 … $$

$$ x_n \;=\; 0 \; 1 \; 1\; 2\; 3 \; 5\; 8 \; 13\; 21 \; 34\; 55\; 89\; 144\; 233\; 377… $$


\begin{matrix} A & B & B/A \\ 2 & 3 & 1.5 \\ 3 & 5 & 1.666666666… \\ 5 & 8 & 1.6 \\ 8 & 13 & 1.625 \\ … & … & … \\ 144 & 233 & 1.618055556 \\ 233 & 277 & 1.618025751 \\ … & … & … \\ \end{matrix}

Let’s randomly choose 192 and 16 to get the sequence,

\begin{matrix} A & B & B/A \\ 192 & 16 & 0.08333333… \\ 16 & 208 & 13 \\ 208 & 224 & 1.07692308… \\ 224 & 432 & 1.92857143… \\ … & … & … \\ 7408 & 11984 & 1.61771058… \\ 11984 & 19392 & 1.61815754… \\ … & … & … \\ \end{matrix}

Use the golden ratio to determine the Fibonacci numbers,

$$ x_n \;=\; \frac{(\phi^n - (1- \phi^n)}{\sqrt{5}} $$

After calculation solution will be the whole number which is equal to the division 1/a and sum (a+b) solution.

Guide to Use Golden Ratio Calculator:

The magic ratio calculator has a simple design tool that enables you to use it to calculate two consecutive numbers with quadratic or Fibonacci methods.

Before entering the input function into the golden mean calculator, follow some simple steps so that you get a smooth experience. These steps are:

  1. Enter the larger number ‘a’ in the input box of the golden ratio converter.
  2. Enter the second number b in the input box.
  3. Enter the whole number (a+b) in the golden cut calculator’s input box.
  4. Review your consecutive number before hitting the calculate button to start the evaluation process.
  5. Click the “Calculate” button to get the result of your given golden ratio number problem.
  6. If you want to try out our golden section ratio calculator for the first time then you can use the load example to get a better understanding.
  7. Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a refresh page for more solutions to golden ratio number problems.

Outcome of Magic Ratio Calculator

Golden ratio Calculator gives you the solution to a given question when you add the input into it. It provides you with solutions with a detailed procedure. It may contain as:

  • Result option

When you click on the Result option it gives you a solution for the two quantities to find the given problem

  • Possible steps

It provides you with a solution in which all the evaluation processes are present in a step-by-step method of the golden ratio number problem when you click on this option.

Benefits of Using the Golden Mean Calculator

Divine proportion calculator provides you with multiple benefits whenever you use it to calculate different quantity problems and gives you approx value as a solution. These benefits are:

  • The golden mean ratio calculator is a free-of-cost tool that enables you to use it anytime to find the golden ratio problem in real time.
  • It is an adaptable tool that allows you to get the solution of different kinds of quantities for the golden ratio.
  • You can try out our magic ratio calculator to practice more examples of consecutive quantities so that you get a strong hold on the perfect ratio concept.
  • Our tool saves the time that you spend on doing complex calculations of consecutive number problems that give approx values.
  • The golden cut calculator is a trustworthy tool that provides you with accurate solutions whenever you use it to calculate golden ratio examples without any man-made error.
  • Golden ratio calculator provides the solution with a complete process in a stepwise method so that you get clarity on the different numbers problem.
Related References
Frequently Ask Questions

What is a real-life example of the golden ratio?

Golden ratio, often denoted by the Greek letter phi (ฯ†), is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 1.61803398875. It is present in various fields of art, architecture, nature, and design field.

For example, the golden ratio in architecture is the Parthenon, its dimensions and proportions, including the relationship between the length and width of the building, are close to the golden ratio. Other examples are the design of the Pyramids of Giza and the faรงade of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

These structures demonstrate how the golden ratio has been employed throughout history to achieve balance, harmony, and beauty in architectural design.

Why is the golden ratio important in our life?

Golden ratio is important as it offers insights and principles that you can apply in various aspects of your daily life:

  1. It can apply the golden ratio in designing layouts for your living space, arranging furniture, or decorating your home. It creates visually pleasing compositions by achieving balance and harmony.
  2. Golden ratio is used as a guide to manage time throughout the day. For example to increase productivity, such as the Pomodoro Technique in which you follow a ratio of work to rest time (25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break). This method helps to maintain focus and productivity while avoiding burnout.
  3. It applies the principles of the golden ratio for personal development as it involves setting goals and breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks in proportion to their importance or priority. It also guides you in balancing different aspects of your life, such as work, leisure, relationships, and self-care, to achieve a more fulfilling and well-rounded lifestyle.
  4. You can use principles of balance and proportion inspired by the golden ratio in your health and fitness routines. In fitness, you can design workout routines that target different muscle groups in proportion to your overall fitness goals.
  5. In mathematical concepts like ratios and proportions, including the golden ratio, can be beneficial in managing personal finance and ensuring a balanced approach to wealth management.

By incorporating the principles of the golden ratio into various aspects of your daily life, you can live a balanced, harmonious, and efficient lifestyle, leading to a more fulfilling and well-being.

What is the golden ratio of a perfect rectangle?

The golden ratio phi (ฯ†) is the approximate value that is equal to 1.61803398875. A perfect rectangle with sides in the golden ratio has the rule that the ratio of the longer side to the shorter side is equal to the golden ratio.

Mathematically, if the length of the rectangle is L and the width is W, then the golden ratio can be expressed as,

$$ ๐ฟ๐‘Š \;=\; ๐œ™ $$

Solving for L, you get:

$$ L \;=\; ฯ• ร— W $$

Similarly, solving for W, you get:

$$ ๐‘Š \;=\; ๐ฟ๐œ™ $$

So, in a perfect rectangle with sides in the golden ratio, the larger side(length) has approximately 1.618 times the width, and the width is approximately the length divided by 1.618.

How to use the golden ratio in art?

Golden ratio is used in arts to incorporate its proportions and principles to create aesthetic compositions of different quantities. There are several ways for an artist to utilize the golden ratio in its artwork:

  1. Arrange elements within the artwork according to the golden ratio to achieve balance and harmony. For example, he can position focal points or key elements at points determined by the golden ratio, such as the intersections of lines dividing the canvas into sections.
  2. It uses the golden ratio to determine the proportions of various elements within the artwork. For instance, the dimensions of objects, figures, or architectural elements can be based on the golden ratio.
  3. Scale elements within the artwork according to the golden ratio to maintain balance and coherence.
  4. Golden ratio grids help you to structure the artwork. These grids can serve as a framework for arranging elements and determining proportions within the composition.
  5. He can apply the golden ratio to determine the dimensions and proportions of frames, borders, or borders within the artwork.
  6. It creates repeating patterns or motifs within the artwork that are based on the golden ratio.

The golden ratio can create artwork in artist compositions that are visually compelling, balanced, and harmonious, enhancing the overall impact.

Why is the golden ratio called the golden ratio?

The term โ€œGolden Ratioโ€ is given because it has many unique existence in mathematics because of its properties. It involved two quantities in which one larger quantity was balanced with another smaller quantity. That is why it is named as Golden ratio.

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