Integration by Parts Calculator

The integration by parts calculator is a useful tool for solving integrals of functions multiplied by two functions using the integration by parts technique.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Integration by Parts Calculator:

Integration by parts calculator with steps is an online tool that helps you find the integral of that function multiplied by two functions. Our tool evaluates the product of different types of functions like inverse trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions.

Integration by Parts Calculator with steps

The integrate by parts calculator is a beneficial tool for students and professionals who want to learn the concept of integration by parts method but do not have access to a tutor. As it provides you solutions step by step that helps you to easily grab how this method works.

What is Integration by Parts?

Integration by parts is a method that is used to find the integration of two different functions product. The first function is f(x) the second function is g(x) and the product of the function is ∫f(x).g(x)dx. It is known as the product chain rule process or integral by parts method.

This method is used for integral problems that are the combination of two functions like the trigonometric and algebraic functions, inverse trigonometric and logarithmic, or algebraic or exponential functions whose integral formula is not given directly.

Formula Used by Integral by Parts Calculator:

Integration by parts formula splits the given function f(x) and g(x) into two so that it can easily integrate with respect to the given variable. The integration by parts formula used by the Integration by parts calculator is,

$$ \int u\; v\; dx \;=\; u \int v\; dx - \int \biggr(\frac{du}{dx} \int v\; dx \biggr) dx $$


u= first function f(x) is an integral function

v= second function g(x) is a derivation function

Calcuation using Integrate by Parts Calculator:

The integral by parts calculator uses the integration by parts formula to integrate the product of two functions. You can use this tool to calculate complicated problems and get its solution in a few seconds without doing manual calculations. Let's see how our tool evaluates the integration by parts problems.

$$ \int u.vdx \;=\; uv − \int v . \frac{d}{dx} (u) dx $$

Step 1:

Determine the given function for integration.

Step 2:

Choose u and v using LIATE order to make the integration process simpler. Select v as an integral function and u as a derivational function.

Step 3:

Compute the differentiate of u: du=u′dx and compute the integral of v as dv: v=∫vdv

Step 4:

Apply the Integration by Parts formula and Substitute u, v, du, and dv into the integration by parts formula: ∫uvdx = uv−∫v u.dx dx

Step 5:

Simplify it to evaluate the solution of the integral ∫ function.

Solved Example of Integration by Parts:

Let us take an example with solution of integration by parts to understand how the Integration by parts calculator with steps gives an accurate solution.

Example: Find the integral,

$$ \int x^2 e^{3x} dx $$


Using LIATE choose u = x2 and dv = e3x dx. Thus du = 2x dx and v = ∫ e3x dx = (⅓)e3x. Therefore,

$$ u \;=\; x^2 $$

$$ du \;=\; 2x\; dx $$

$$ dv \;=\; e^{3x} dx $$

$$ v \;=\; \int e^{3x} dx = \frac{1}{3}e^{3x} $$

Substitute the u and v values in this formula,

$$ \int u\; v\; dx \;=\; u \int v\; dx - \int \biggr( \frac{du}{dx} \int u\; dx \biggr) dx $$

$$ \int x^2 e^{3x} dx \;=\; \frac{1}{3}x^2 e^{3x} - \int \frac{2}{3} xe^{3x} dx $$

To further solve the integration again apply the integral by parts formula, u and v values is,

$$ u \;=\; x $$

$$ du \;=\; dx $$

$$ dv \;=\; \frac{2}{3}e^{3x} dx $$

$$ v \;=\; \int \frac{2}{3} e^{3x} dx \;=\; \frac{2}{9} e^{3x} $$

Again substitute the above u and v values in the formula,

$$ \int x^2 e^{3x}\; dx \;=\; \frac{1}{3}x^2 e^{3x} - \biggr(\frac{2}{9}xe^{3x} - \int \frac{2}{9} e^{3x} dx \biggr) $$

After solving we get,

$$ \int x^2 e^{3x} dx \;=\; \frac{1}{3}x^2 e^{3x} - \frac{2}{9} xe^{3x} + \frac{2}{27}e^{3x} + C $$

Example : Evaluate the following,

$$ \int arctan\; x\; dx $$


Here in the given example arctan x cannot be solved alone so we assume 1 is multiplied with arctanx which means f(x)=1 and g(x)=arctanx

Let's take v=1 as the first function (integral) or u= arctan x and dv = dx as the derivative function then,

$$ du \;=\; \frac{1}{(1+x^2)} dx\; and\; v \;=\; x $$

Put the values in the formula of integration by parts that is,

$$ \int u\; v\; dx \;=\; u \int v\; dx - \int \biggr( \frac{du}{dx} \int v\; dx \biggr) dx $$

$$ \int arctan\; x\; dx \;=\; x\; arctan\; x - \int \frac{x}{1 + x^2} dx $$

To find the integral, use the u-substitution method for the direct solution of the integral and take u = 1 + x2, get du = 2x dx.

$$ \int arctan x\; dx \;=\; x\; arctan\; x - \int \frac{x}{1 + x^2} dx $$

Taking u = 1 + x2, we get du = 2x dx

$$ \int arctan\; x\; dx \;=\; x\; arctan\; x - \frac{1}{2} \int \frac{1}{u} du $$

Therefore the solution is,

$$ \int arctan\; x\; dx \;=\; x\; arctan\; x - ln(1 + x^2) + C $$

How to Use Integration by Parts Calculator?

The integrate by parts calculator has an easy-to-use interface, so you can easily use it to evaluate the integral of a given function. Before adding the input for the solutions of given integral problems, you must follow some simple steps. These steps are:

  1. Add the integration by parts problems that you want to evaluate in the input box.
  2. Choose the variable of integral in its respective field.
  3. Recheck your input value for integration before hitting the calculate button to start the calculation process in the integral by parts calculator.
  4. The “Calculate” button gives the desired result of your given integration by parts problem.
  5. If you want to try out our ibp calculator to check its accuracy in the solution then use the load example.
  6. The “Recalculate” button brings back to a new page for solving more integration by parts questions.

Final Result of the Integration by Parts Solver:

Integration by Parts Calculator with steps gives you the solution to a given integration problem when you give the input and it provides you with solutions. It may contain as:

  • Result Option

You can click on the result option and it provides you with a solution of integration by parts questions

  • Possible Step

When you click on the possible steps option it provides you with the solution of integration by parts problem where all calculation steps are included.

Benefits of Using IBP Calculator:

The integration by parts solver gives you multiple benefits whenever you use it to calculate integration by parts problems and you get its solution immediately. These benefits are:

  • Integral calculator by parts saves the time and effort that you consume in solving complex integration by-parts questions.
  • It is a free-of-cost tool that provides you with a solution for a given integral problem to find its result without charging anything.
  • By parts integration calculator is an adaptive tool that allows you to evaluate different combinations of functions (logarithmic, exponential, algebraic, inverse trigonometry, etc) in integration by parts problems.
  • You can use this integral by parts calculator for practice to get a strong hold on this concept.
  • It keeps you away from doing manual calculations of integration by part problems and gives an accurate solution
  • Integration by Parts Calculator with steps can operate on an online platform which means you can use it anytime.
Related References
Frequently Ask Questions

When to use integration by parts

Integration by parts is used to evaluate integrals of the form ∫udv where u and dv are functions of x. This method is useful in different situations like

  1. When you have an integrand that is a product of two functions, integration by parts can often simplify the integration process.
  2. It is helpful when you need to reduce the power of one function in the integrand like in trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, or polynomials.
  3. If the function has a derivative of some known function then you require integration by parts.
  4. It can be applied when the integrand is a product of exponential functions and logarithmic functions.

Does integration by parts always work

Integration by parts is a useful method for evaluating various types of integrals. Here are some situations where it always work

  1. Integration by parts works when the integrand can be expressed as a product of two functions, u and dv,
  2. Sometimes, integration by parts may need to be applied multiple times or combined with other techniques like substitution or partial fractions to evaluate complex integrals.
  3. For integration by parts can be effective, both functions u and dv must be differentiable, and their derivatives

How to choose u and v for integration by parts

In integration by parts, you choose two functions, u and dv, to decompose the integrand ∫udv. The choice of u and v is crucial for the solution of a given function. A function whose derivative simplifies the integral like in algebraic functions, logarithmic functions, and inverse trigonometric functions then uses u as a first function.

You can choose v if a function that can be integrated straightforwardly like in algebraic functions, exponential functions, or trigonometric functions.

What is the rule for integration by parts

Integration by parts is a process that is used to evaluate integrals of the form ∫uv. It simplifies the integrand function to make integration more manageable. The rule for integration by parts:

Integration by Parts Formula:

$$ \int u\; dv \;=\; uv − \int v\; du. dx $$ Where:

  • u and v are derivative or integral functions of x,
  • du is the differential of u with respect to x,
  • uv is the product of the given function

Choose u and v after identifying the function, then integrate the given function using the rule of by parts and get the solution without any trouble.

When does integration by parts not work

Integration by parts method is ineffective in the following situation which are given as:

  1. If the integration by parts does not lead to a simpler form of the integral.
  2. When applying integration by parts iteratively and it may lead the question toward more complexity where the integral doesn't simplify
  3. Integration by parts can be difficult with improper integrals, when dealing with infinite limits or integrals that do not converge.
  4. If the functions u or v are not differentiable or their derivatives are not integrable.

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