Triple Integral Calculator

Now determine the triple integral for free with the help of the triple integral calculator which is an amazing tool for solving complex integrals involving three variables.

Limit for X:

Limit for Y:

Limit for Z:

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Triple Integral Calculator:

The triple integral calculator with steps is an amazing source for finding the triple integral problems according to their variables in a few seconds. Our tool evaluates the mass and volume of a given area under a closed region in R3 space.

Triple Integral Calculator with steps

Triple integral has a complicated method, when you evaluate these types of integral by hand you face difficulty in getting its solution. In this situation, you need a tool like our triple integration calculator that gives you quick and easy solutions of your given problems.

What is a Triple Integral?

Triple integral is a process of finding the mass and volume of a given function over a bounded region in three-dimensional space. It can calculate the mass as a double integral but also the volume of the given region because it involves three variables (x,y,z).

The triple integral is expressed as “∫∫∫” in mathematical calculus. It is known as the multivariable integral method or triple integral. It evaluates the given integral three times as per the order of the given function.

Formula of Triple Integral:

The formula of triple integral consists of three functions f (x,y,z) dv and its limits are x1 to x2, y1 to y2, and z1 to z2 in a bounded region.

$$ \iiint_S f(x, y, z)\; dV \;=\; \int_{z1}^{z2} \int_{y1}^{y2} \int_{x1}^{x2} f(x,y, z) dx\; dy\; dz $$

Evaluation Process of Triple Integral Solver:

The volume integral calculator uses the easiest method of integration in steps during the calculation process that gives you a clear understanding about this triple integral concept. The calculation process of triple integrals calculator is given as:

Step 1: Determine the triple integral function to analyze which function is inner, middle or outer function from the given problem.

Step 2: First, evaluate the integral with respect to the variable of the inner function, and apply limits if the given triple integral function has limits.

Step 3: After solving the inner function, take the integral with respect to the variable of the middle function, and apply limits if the given triple integral function has limits.

Step 4: Lastly, take the integral with respect to the variable of the outer function, and apply limits if the given triple integral function has limits.

Step 5: After evaluating all the triple integral function integration you get the solution.

Solved Example of Triple integral:

The example of triple integral problem with a solution that comes from a 3d integral calculator that helps you to understand its evaluation process.

Example: Evaluate the following,

$$ \int_0^3 \int_0^2 \int_0^1 (xy + z)dx\; dy\; dz $$


Identify the given integral and find out the inner function, middle function, and the outer function,

$$ \int_0^3 \int_0^2 \int_0^1 (xy + z)\; dx\; dy\; dz $$

As you can see x is the inner function, y is the middle function and z is the outer function.

Integrate the above function with respect to x and then apply limits.

$$ \int_0^3 \int_0^2 \int_0^1 (xy + z)\; dx\; dy\; dz \;=\; \int_0^3 \int_0^2 \biggr( \frac{1}{2}x^2 y + xz \biggr|_{x=0}^{x=1} \biggr)\; dy\; dz $$

$$ =\; \int_0^3 \int_0^2 \biggr( \frac{1}{2}y + z \biggr)\; dy\; dz $$

Now integrate the middle function with respect to y, and apply limits to get the solution.

$$ \int_0^3 \biggr(\frac{1}{4}y^2 + yz \biggr|_{y=0}^{y=2} \biggr)\; dz $$

$$ \int_0^3 (1+2z) dz $$

Lastly, integrate the outer function with respect to z and apply its limits to get the solution.

$$ =\; \int_0^3 (1 + 2z) dz $$

$$ =\; z + z^2 \biggr|_0^3 \;=\; 12 $$

Therefore the given triple integral problem solution is 12.

How to Use the Triple Integration Calculator?

The triple integral calculator has a simple design that enables you to use it to calculate the triple integral questions easily. Before adding the integral function as an input for triple integral solutions, you must follow some of our guidelines. These guidelines are:

  1. Enter your triple integral problem in the input field.
  2. Select the integration variables for triple integral problems in the input box.
  3. If the given integral problem is definite then add the limit values in the respective box otherwise keep it empty.
  4. Recheck your triple integral problem before hitting the calculate button to start the calculation process in the triple integral solver.
  5. Click on the “Calculate” button to get the desired result of your given triple integral question.
  6. If you want to try out our volume integral calculator for the first time then you can use the load example.
  7. Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a new page for solving more triple integral problems to get solutions.

Final Result of Triple Integrals Calculator:

The 3d integral calculator gives you the solution to a given triple integral problem when you add the input into it. It provides you with solutions to the triple integral problem. It may contain the following:

  • Result Option

You can click on the result option and it provides you with a solution for the triple integral questions.

  • Possible Step

When you click on the possible steps option it provides you with the solution of triple integral problems in detail.

Useful features of Triple Integral Calculator With Steps:

Triple integration calculator has many useful features that you obtain whenever you use it to calculate triple integral problems for finding the solutions. These features are:

  • It is an easy to use tool that can operate through electronic devices like laptops, computers, mobile, tablets, etc with the help of the internet.
  • It is a free tool so you can use it to find the triple integral problems in the triple integral solver.
  • Our tool saves the time and effort that you consume in doing lengthy calculations of Triple Integral in a few seconds.
  • You can use the volume integral calculator for practice so that you get in-depth knowledge about this method.
  • It is a trustworthy tool that provides you with accurate solutions of triple integral problems whenever you use it to get a solution.
  • Triple integrals calculator provides you solutions to Triple Integral questions with a complete process in a stepwise method for a better understanding.
Related References
Frequently Ask Questions

Can a triple integral be a negative number

Yes, a triple integral can be evaluated as a negative number. The sign of a triple integral, similar to double and single integrals, depends on the integrand and the region over which the integration is performed.

Just like single and double integrals, a triple integral results in a negative number. The sign of the integral reflects the net effect of the function values over the specified region in three-dimensional space.

Can i split up triple integrals

Yes, you can split up triple integrals under certain conditions, like double or single integrals. This technique is often useful for simplifying complex integrals over regions that can be divided into simpler subregions. This process can simplify the evaluation of complex triple integrals or make them more manageable for the integration process to give a solution

How to find limits of integration for triple integrals

Finding the limits of integration for triple integrals determines the boundaries over which each variable x, y, and z will vary within the region R in three-dimensional space. Here’s a systematic approach to finding these limits:

Steps to Find Limits of Integration:

Identify the function in the three-dimensional region R over which the triple integral is defined. This region is typically bounded by surfaces in the XYZ-coordinate system.

  1. Determine the Boundaries for Each Variable:
  2. Project the Region onto Each Coordinate Plane:
  3. Consider Intersection Points and Critical Points:
  4. Set Up the Limits of Integration:
  5. Write Down the Triple Integral:

This systematic approach ensures that the triple integral is set up correctly to evaluate the desired volume, mass, or other quantities over the given region R.

How to change the order of a triple integral

Changing the order of a triple integral you can alter the sequence in which you integrate over the variables x, y, and z. This technique is often used to simplify the evaluation of the integral by choosing an order over the region R to make the integrand easier to handle. You can use it by handling complex integrals and can make the computation more manageable and efficient.

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