Intersection Calculator

The intersection calculator is a useful tool for finding the intersection of sets and finds the two or more than two sets of intersections.

Set A:
Set B:
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Table of Contents:

What is the Intersection Calculator?

Point of Intersection calculator is an online tool that is used to find the intersection of the given sets in set theory.

Intersection calculator with steps

Our two lines intersect calculator determines the two or more than two sets of intersections where similar terms are included in the solution in ascending order in less than a minute.

What is the Intersection of a Set?

Intersection of a set is defined as a combination of a new set in which common elements are present from the given two elements. It is represented by the ∩ symbol for sets. For example, if set A is {0,2,3} and set B is {0,1,3,5} then the solution of A∩B is {0,3}.

Properties of the Intersection of the Sets

Intersection of sets has several properties that enable it to solve different kinds of sets(Natural set, whole number, prime numbers, integer, odd or even set) for an intersection. These properties are:

  • Commutative Property

Commutative property of the set intersection shows the order of elements does not matter, you can reverse the set's position but your answer will remain the same for intersection solutions.

A ∩B=B ∩A

  • Associative Property

Associative property of sets conveys a similar sense as the commutative property says that when you do the calculation of the intersection of two or more two sets irrespective of order. Despite changing the order, the solution remains the same as before.

(A ∩B) ∩C=A ∩(B ∩C)

  • Idempotent Property

Idempotent property for the intersection of sets explains that if you take the intersection of set A with A then you get the solution of set A elements (itself) because of all of the similar terms involved in the set solution.


  • Identity Law Property or Universal Set

When you evaluate the intersection with null set and set A, the answer will be the empty set.

A ∩∅=∅ . The same rule applies to universal set intersection also.

  • De Morgan's Law

De Morgan's Law also satisfies in sets intersection shows where the left-hand side is equal to the right-hand side.

(A ∩B)’= A’ ∩B’

How to Calculate Intersection of Two Lines Online?

Point of Intersection calculator uses the easiest and simplest method to solve the given set elements problems. It is because it has all the properties and rules that are used to get a solution to intersection sets questions.

When you add the elements of your set as an input in the two lines intersect calculator, it will analyze given sets first. After that, it starts comparing both the set's elements and identifies the common elements.

Now the intersection of sets calculator finds a similar combination of elements from the given set and makes it a new set which is called the solution of the intersection of sets problem. With that, it provides you a solution in the Venn diagram for clarity of this concept.

Example of Intersection using Venn Diagram

Let's see an example of intersection of a set problem with a solution with a complete procedure to know manual calculations.


Find the intersection of A={1,2} , B={2,4,5},(A ∩B) ?


(A ∩B)= {2}


Steps to Use in the Intersection Calculator

The calculator has a simple design that allows you to get a solution of various types of set problems instantly. For this you need to follow our instructions then you won't find difficulty during calculation. These steps are:

  • Enter the elements of set A for intersection in the input field
  • Enter the elements of set B for intersection in the input field
  • Check your function before pressing the calculate button to get the actual solution of your set elements
  • Press the “Calculate” button for the solution of an intersection of a set of questions
    Press the “Recalculate” button for more evaluation of the intersection of the set example solution
  • You can use the load example to see the evaluation process of the Intersection of a set calculator with a solution

Output from Intersect Calculator

Points of Intersection calculatorgives you a solution as per your input of set elements when you click on the calculate button that starts the process. It may include as:

Result Box

You get the solution of an intersection of sets of problems when you click on the result button.

Steps Box

Click on the Possible steps option to get the solution of the given set for Intersection from the calculator in a step-by-step method

Plot Box

It gives the solution in the form of a Venn diagram according to the result of intersection problems.

Advantages of intersection of sets calculator

Our calculator is a wonderful tool for solving the Intersection of a set of problems with a Venn diagram in solution. It gives you multiple advantages whenever you use it to get the solution of Intersection problems. These advantages are

  • Trustworthy Tool

It is a trustworthy tool as it gives you precise solutions to the Intersection of a set of problems

  • Speedy Tool

It is a speedy tool that gives the solution to the Intersection of elements in a set question in a fraction of a second

  • Free Tool

Two Lines Intersect calculator is a free online tool, you can find it for evaluation of sets of intersections without paying any fee

  • Versatility

it is used for practice to solve various kinds of examples of sets intersection with solution

  • Simple Layout

Line Intersection calculator has a simple design anyone or even a beginner can easily use to solve the Intersection problems.

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