Quaternion Calculator

The quaternion calculator is a helpful tool for solving the complex numbers that are present in two dimensions and convert them into three-dimensional space.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Quaternion Calculator

Quaternion Calculator is an online tool that is used to find the complex numbers that are present in two dimensions to convert into three-dimensional space.

Quaternion Calculator with steps

Quaternion rotation calculator helps to determine the quaternion complex number sum, difference, multiplication, conjugate, magnitude, or even matrix and get a solution in a fraction of a second.

What is Quaternion?

Quaternion is a type of group in which four elements are present in R4 in three dimensions. Quaternion is a vector set of rotational elements present in 3-D space.

You can calculate arithmetic operations (except division), conjugate, and module problems. It is widely used in mechanics, aerospace, computer graphics, and vision processing.

Formula Behind Quaternion Multiplication Calculator

Quaternion basic rules for addition, subtraction, or multiplication for the cartesian problem, where i,j,k are the direction along with x,y,z in three dimensions. The Quaternion Calculator uses the following formula to solve the quaternion problems,

$$ q \;=\; w + xi + yj + zk \;where\; i^2 \;=\; j^2 \; =\; k^2 \;=\; ijk \;=\; -1 $$

$$ i^2 \;=\; j^2 \;=\; k^2 \;=\; -1 $$

$$ ij \;=\; -ji \;=\; k, jk \;=\; -kj \;=\; i, -ik \;=\; j $$

Working Process of Quaternion Rotation Calculator

Quaternion multiplication calculator uses the easiest and simplest way to solve quaternion problems for arithmetic operations, conjugate, inverse, modulus, etc quickly. You do not need to do any type of external effort, just add the value in it and the rest of the calculation will be done automatically and get a solution instantly.

When you enter your quaternion problem in our 3D Rotation Calculator. First, it analyzes the quaternion question then according to your given method from the list, it starts calculating.

For addition or multiplication, subtraction, and quotient problems euler to quaternion online uses the usual method for solving arithmetic operations. There is only a difference between i,j,k values solved with i,j,k values.

Similarly, when you inverse, conjugate, inverse, or modulus of quaternion q, quaternion to euler calculator substitutes given values in the formula. For the modulus of q, it adds the a,b,c, and d values in the modulus formula. For conjugate simply change the imaginary component to keep the real component value unchanged.

Let's elaborate an example of a quaternion problem to understand the working method of the quaternion to euler online.

Solved Example of Quaternion

The quaternion calculator can be used to solve quaternion questions but it’s crucial to understand the manual process of calculation. So an example of a quaternion problem with a solution is given below which helps you to understand the calculation process,


Solve the following,

$$ r \;=\; a + bi + cj + dk \;and\; r’ \;=\; a’ + b’i + c’j + d’k $$


$$ r + r’ \;=\; (a + a’) + (b + b’)i + (c + c’)j + (d + d’)k $$

So the multiplication is,

$$ rr’ \;=\; (a + bi + cj + dk)(a’ + b’i + c’j + d’k) $$

$$ \;=\; aa’ + bb’i^2 + cc’j^2 + dd’k^2 + ab’i + ba’i + cd’jk + dc’kj + ac’j + ca’j + bd’ik + db’ki + ad’k + da’k + bc’ij + cb’ji $$

$$ \;=\; (aa’ - bb’ - cc’ - dd’) + (ab’ + ba’ + cd’ - dc’)i + (ac’ + ca’ - bd’ +db’)j + (ad’ + da’ + bc’ - cb’)k $$


Solve the given vectors,

$$ p \;=\; 3 + i - 2j + k, \; \; \; q \;=\; 2 - i + 2j + 3k $$


$$ p . q \;=\; -2 $$

$$ p \times q \;=\; \biggr| \begin{matrix} i & j & k \\ 1 & -2 & 1 \\ -1 & 2 & 3 \\ \end{matrix} \biggr| $$

$$ -8j - 4j $$


Find the Quaternion Subtraction.

$$ q^1 \;=\; 2 + 3i + 4j + 5k , q^2 \;=\; 1 + 2i + 1j + 3k $$


To subtract one quaternion from another

$$ q^1−q^2 \;=\; (2−1) + (3i−2i) + (4j−1j) + (5k−3k) $$

$$ \;=\; 1+i+3j+2k $$

$$ q^1−q^2 \;=\; 1+i+3j+2k $$

So, the difference between the two quaternions is 1+i+3j+2k.


To find the inverse, modulus, and conjugacy of a quaternion, let's consider a quaternion.


q = a+bi+cj+dk, where a,b,c,d are real numbers, and i,j, and k are imaginary units.

1. Inverse of a Quaternion:

The inverse of a quaternion q is q−1

and is given by:


2. Conjugate of Quaternion

∣q∣ is the modulus and conjugate (q*) of the quaternion. Conjugate (-q) is the conjugate of the quaternion.

3. Modulus of a Quaternion:

The modulus (also known as the norm or absolute value) of a quaternion

q is denoted as ∣q∣ and is calculated as:


How to Use Quaternion Calculator

Quaternion multiplication calculator has a simple layout that allows you to use it to calculate the Quaternion rotation problems in a run of time.

Before entering the input function into the 3D Rotation Calculator, you must follow some simple steps so that you always get a comfortable experience during the evaluation. These steps are:

  1. Choose the type method you want to evaluate from the given list ( sum, difference, multiplication, matrix representation, multiplication, quotient, conjugate, magnitude, vector rotation, quaternion rotation inverse, etc).
  2. Enter the value of the first quaternion element Q1 (a,b,c,d) in the input box.
  3. Enter the value of the second quaternion Q2 elements (a,b,c,d) in the input box.
  4. Enter the second value of y in the input field
  5. Review your Quaternion function before hitting the calculate button to start the evaluation process.
  6. Click the “Calculate” button to get the result of your given Quaternion problem.
  7. If you want to try out our quaternion rotation calculator for the first time then you can use the load example to get conceptual clarity
  8. Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a refresh page for more solutions of Quaternion problems

Final Result of 3D Rotation Calculator

Euler to quaternion online gives you the solution to a given Quaternion method problem when you add the input function to it. It provides you with solutions with a detailed procedure instantly. It may contain as:

  • Result Option

Result option gives you a solution for the Quaternion problems of arithmetic operations, inverse, conjugate, etc.

  • Possible Steps

You can get the solution with all the evaluation processes in steps of the Quaternion Calculator when you click on this option.

Benefits of Using of Euler to Quaternion Online

Quaternion to euler calculator provides you with multiple benefits whenever you use it to calculate the Quaternion problems and gives a solution in less than a minute. These benefits are:

  • Quaternion multiplication calculator is a free-of-cost tool so you can use it to find the Quaternion problem of arithmetic operations and other vector and scalar problems in real time.
  • It is a versatile tool that allows you to get the solution of various types of Quaternion problems
  • You can check out our quaternion rotation calculator to practice with more examples so that you get a strong hold on the Quaternion concept
  • Our 3D Rotation Calculator saves you time and effort from doing vector rational calculations.
  • It is a trustworthy tool that provides you with every time whenever you use it to calculate Quaternion examples.
  • Quaternion calculator provides the solution with a complete process in a step-by-step method so that you get a better understanding of the vector rational set problems
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