Irregular Polygon Area Calculator

If you want to find the area of an irregular polygon then try our Irregular polygon area calculator to find the area of a polygon that does not have equal sides.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Irregular Polygon Area Calculator:

Irregular polygon area calculator is an online tool that helps you to find the area of an irregular polygon. Our tool is used to evaluate the area of the polygon that does not have equal sides and angles from the given function.

Irregular Polygon Area Calculator with Steps

The area calculator polygon irregular is a helpful tool for students, teachers, and professionals as it gives solutions to the area of irregular polygon questions in a few seconds without any error in the calculation process.

What is the Area of an Irregular Polygon?

The area of an irregular polygon is the measurement of the volume that is enclosed in a polygon whose side and angle are unequal or have irregular shapes. It is called a non-regular polygon.

It is a useful method that is used in various fields like in geographic information systems to calculate the land areas, and boundaries in architecture and engineering used to design irregular building models and in computer graphics used for graphical simulations, calculating areas of complex shapes.

Formula for the Area of an Irregular Polygon:

The area of an irregular polygon formula consists of the area of a triangle and the area of a rectangle. The formula behind the irregular polygon area calculator is used to find the areas of the nth-term.

$$ A \;=\; \frac{1}{2} \biggr| \sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(x_i y_{i+1}) + (x_n y_1 - y_n x_1) \biggr| $$

Here, (xi,yi) are the coordinates of the vertices, and n is the number of vertices.

How to Find the Area of an Irregular Polygon?

To find the area of an irregular polygon can have the serval methods, depending on the complexity of the shape. In the process of finding the area of an irregular polygon, you need the coordinates of the polygon's vertices of a plane. Here is the stepwise calculation of the area of an irregular polygon.

Step 1:

Identify the coordinates of the vertices in sequence, either clockwise or counterclockwise.

Step 2:

Apply the formula of the irregular polygon according to the shape of the irregular polygon.

$$ A \;=\; \frac{1}{2} \biggr| \sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(x_i y_{i+1}) + (x_n y_1 - y_n x_1) \biggr| $$

Step 3:

Put the coordinates vertices value in the above formula and simplify it to get the solution of an irregular polygon.

Solved Example of the Area of an Irregular Polygon:

The irregular polygon area calculator helps you determine the area of irregular polygon easily but its important to understand the step-by-step calculation process. So, an example is given below,


Find the area of the irregular polygon (1,1),(4,1),(6,4),(4,6),(1,4)


The given coordinates point (xn,yn) for the given irregular polygon,

$$ (1,1),\; (4,1),\; (6,4),\; (4,6),\; (1,4),\; (1,1) $$

The formula of the area of an irregular polygon,

$$ A \;=\; \frac{1}{2} \biggr| \sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(x_i y_{i+1}) + (x_n y_1 - y_n x_1) \biggr| $$

Put the given vertices coordinates point in the above formula and calculate the sum,

$$ \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} (x_i y_{i+1}) + (x_n y_1) $$

$$ 1 . 1 + 4 . 4 + 6 . 6 + 4. 4 + 1 . 1 $$

$$ 1 + 16 + 36 + 16 + 1 \;=\; 70 $$

Calculate the sum yi xi+1

$$ \sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(y_i x_{i+1}) + (y_n x_1) $$

$$ 1 . 4 + 1 . 6 + 4 .4 + 6 . 1 + 4 . 1 $$

$$ 4 + 6 + 16 + 6 + 4 \;=\; 36 $$

Subtract both the sum of y_ix_i+1 and x_i+1y_i,

$$ 70 - 36 \;=\; 34 $$

Put these values in the area of the irregular polygon formula,

$$ A \;=\; \frac{1}{2} \times 34 \;=\; 17 $$

Therefore the irregular polygon area is 17sq units.

How to Use the Area of an Irregular Polygon Calculator?

Area of irregular polygon calculator is an easy-to-use tool, so you can use it to evaluate the area of the given irregular polygon.

Before adding the input for the solution of given irregular polygon area problems in the irregular polygon area calculator, you must follow some simple steps. These steps are:

  1. Enter the coordinate vertex value that you want to evaluate through the formula of the irregular polygon in the input field.
  2. Recheck your input value for the solution of the area of the irregular polygon question before hitting the calculate button to start the calculation process.
  3. Click on the “Calculate” button to get the desired result of your given irregular polygon area problem.
  4. If you want to try out the area of a 5 sided irregular polygon calculator to check its accuracy in solution, then you can use the load example.
  5. Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a new page for solving more irregular polygon area questions.

Final Result from Area of 5 Sided Irregular Polygon Calculator:

Area of irregular polygon calculator gives you the solution to a given area of irregular polygon problem when you add the input value to it such as:

  • Result Option:

Click on the result option for a solution of irregular polygon area questions.

  • Possible Step:

When you click on the possible steps option it provides you with the solution of the area irregular polygon problem in steps.

Advantages of the Area of an Irregular Polygon Calculator:

Area calculator polygon irregular gives you many advantages whenever you use it to calculate irregular polygon area problems and to get its solution. These advantages are:

  • Our area of 5 sided irregular polygon calculator saves the time and effort that you consume in solving area of regular polygon questions and get solutions in a few seconds.
  • It is a free-of-cost tool that provides you with a solution for a given Irregular polygon problem to find the area without paying a single penny.
  • The area of irregular polygon calculator is an adaptive tool that allows you to find the area of irregular polygon problem.
  • You can use this area calculator of irregular polygon for practice to get familiar with this concept easily.
  • It is a trustworthy tool that provides you with accurate solutions as per your input to calculate the area of irregular polygon problems.
  • The irregular polygon area calculator is limitless so you can use it multiple times for calculation of the area of irregular polygon.
Related References
Frequently Ask Questions

Are rectangles irregular polygons?

Rectangles are not irregular polygons. A regular polygon in which all sides and angles are equal for example equilateral triangles and squares. A rectangle has a quadrilateral (four-sided polygon) where all angles are right angles, and opposite sides are equal. With these specific properties, rectangles are classified as a type of regular quadrilateral, but not irregular.

Can the area of an irregular polygon be 0?

Yes, the area of an irregular polygon can be 0 under certain conditions. The area becomes zero when the vertices of the polygon do not form due to colinear when the line intersects in an enclosed shape.

What are the differences between regular and irregular polygons?

Regular and irregular polygons differ primarily in their symmetry and side angle equality. Here are the key differences:

Regular Polygons:

A regular polygon has equal sides and angles in coordinate geometry. All interior angles are equal. For a regular n-sided polygon, each interior angle can be calculated by using.

$$ Interior\; Angle \;=\; \frac{(n-2) \times 180°}{n} $$

Irregular Polygons:

An irregular polygon has all sides and angles are unequal. The sides can be of different lengths. The interior angles can vary in measure. The interior angles sum of an irregular polygon is given as:

$$ (n-2) \times 180° $$

Why are some polygons regular or irregular?

The classification of polygons as regular or irregular depends on their geometric properties, specifically the equality of their sides and angles. In a regular polygon, each side is the same length, and each interior angle is the same. This symmetry arises from the geometric constraints of having equal side lengths and angles.

In irregular polygons, the sides and the angles are not all the same. This lack of uniformity leads to variations in the shape and appearance of the polygon. They occur naturally in various designs where perfect regularity is not a constraint.

What are the angles of an irregular polygon?

The angles of an irregular polygon vary because the polygon does not have equal sides or equal angles. Here are the types of angles involved in irregular polygons:

  1. Interior Angles:

The interior angles are the angles that formed inside the polygon, at each vertex. The sum of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon can be calculated by using the formula:

$$ Sum\; of\; Interior\; Angles \;=\; (n - 2) \times 180° $$

Where n is the number of sides of the polygon.

  1. Exterior Angles:

The exterior angles are the angles formed outside the polygon, between one side of the polygon and the extension of an adjacent side. The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon, regular or irregular. The formula is:

$$ Exterior\; Angle \;=\; 180° - Interior\; Angle $$

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