Box Method Calculator

Want to determine the multiplication of more than two digits? Don’t worry as our box method calculator is here to solve the multiplication numbers for you.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Box Method Calculator

Box method calculator is an online multiplication tool that helps you to find the multiplication of more than two-digit numbers using a box method easily in a fraction of a second.

box method calculator with steps

The box method division calculator is used to determine the number whose multiplication is complex so it splits into two numbers for multiplication and gives a solution instantly.

Box Method Definition:

Box method is an algebraic strategy used to find the multiplication calculation of two or more than two digit numbers. This method is to split these digit numbers into two or more than two as per the given number like 23 is split into 20+3; now these numbers are placed in a box to find box multiplication.

Rules Followed by Box Method Division Calculator:

Box method rules are based on the rule of column and row multiplication. The box method calculator uses the following rules which are given below,

$$ (mx + n)(px + q) $$


The first column is multiplied by the first row (mx+n) and the second column is multiplied by the first row (px+q).

How to Calculate the Box Method Factoring Calculator:

The box method polynomials calculator uses the simplest and easiest method for solving long multiplication calculations of different digits number. You just add your input number to our tool it will start calculating immediately.

First, when you give the input value in our box calculator and hit the calculate button the calculation process starts. Then it splits the given input numbers to make the multiplication process easy.

Let's observe an example that is given below to see how our box method solver works. In this example 28 and 345 numbers are given, calculator first splits the digits like 28 into 20+8 and 345 into 300+40+5.

Then, the box multiplication calculator writes 300,40 and 5 numbers in the first row of the box and 20,8 in the first column of the box. After that, it multiplies 20 with the first column where 20*300, 20*40, and 20*5 and writes the multiplication answer in front of its number in a box.

In the same way, 8 is multiplied by all the numbers in the first column as 300*8,40*8, and 8*5 and writes its answer in front of that number. After the multiplication box method calculator add all the numbers to give the solution of the given number multiplication.

You can recheck your answer by directly multiplying numbers 345*28 and see if the box method and direct multiplication result are the same then your answer is right.

Box Method Factoring - Example

To solve the box method algebra, you may use the box method factoring calculator but the need of the box method for factoring it manually is still there. So we will explain an example to let you know the manual steps,


Determine the 345 * 28, construct the grid with six multiplications,


x 300 40 5
20 6000 800 100
8 2400 320 40

$$ 20 \times 300 \;=\; 6000 $$

$$ 8 \times 300 \;=\; 2400 $$

Now multiply 20 and 8 with 40.

$$ 20 \times 40 \;=\; 800 $$

$$ 8 \times 40 \;=\; 320 $$

Multiply 20 and 8 with 5,

$$ 20 \times 5 \;=\; 100 $$

$$ 8 \times 40 \;=\; 40 $$

Guidelines for Using the Box Method Calculator:

Box method division calculator has the simplest layout that allows anyone to get easy access for a wonderful experience while using our tool for calculation. You need to follow some of our guidelines. These guidelines are:

  1. Select the number (more than two ) from the given list.
  2. Enter the number of digits that you select from the list in the respective field.
  3. Review your input number before hitting the calculate button.
  4. Click to “calculate” button to get the solution of the box multiplication.
  5. Click on the recalculate button to get a new page for more long-form multiplication calculations.

Final Results from the Box Method Polynomials Calculator:

Box method calculator provides you the result of your given input number> within a second after you enter the value of the number in it. It may contain as:

  • Result box

Result box gives you the solution to the long-form multiplication number.

  • Steps

Possible steps option provides you with steps for the remainder problem.

Advantages of Box Method Solver:

You do not need to go anywhere because our box method factoring calculator is a trustworthy or straightforward tool that gives you a comfortable experience with precise solutions.

Box method polynomials calculator gives you tons of benefits while you use it to get the solution of different numbers multiplication. These advantages are:

  • You can use it box multiplication calculator to practice the different types of number digits from given number values.
  • It keeps you away from doing long-form or multiplication problems and gives solutions in fractions of a second.
  • You can use this calculator from anywhere in the world to get the correct result for multiplication problems.
  • Box method division calculator is a very helpful tool for students and teachers to solve different numbers in multiplication.
  • It provides you with solutions in a step-by-step process that gives better clarity of the box method.
  • The box method calculator will enhance your learning experience about the concept of box method multiplication.
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