Floor Function Calculator

If you want to find the floor number or integers after rounding off then use the floor function calculator which can give you an accurate solution for free.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction of the Floor Function Calculator

Floor function calculator is a statistic tool that is used to find the floor number, or integers after rounding off that given number in such a way that it is nearer to its closest number value in no time. It also determines a real number that is less than the given original number in the solution.

Floor Function Calculator with Steps

Floor calculator math is a helpful tool for students or researchers to solve many scientific problems, especially in the fields of Mathematics, Computer Science, or Microsoft Excel. You just need to add your input number to it and it will give you the result within a second.

A floor function graph calculator can provide visual representations of floor functions, aiding in better understanding and analysis.

What is the Floor Function?

Floor function is an algebra method in which a function takes a real number and gives a floor number, or an integral as an output value that is less than the given real number. It is also called the greatest integer function. It is denoted by floor(x) or ⌊š‘„⌋ or sometimes the floor function is represented using double brackets as [[x]].

For example of floor function is ⌊3.6⌋ = 3 which is less than the given number. In the same way, if you have a negative number then it takes that number which comes after the point value as ⌊−3.4⌋ = -4 (negative sign remains as it).

Properties of Floor Function

The Floor function properties are follows as,

  • Floor function is represented as ⌊š‘„⌋ = max (nāˆŠZ | m < x)
  • Floor function x and Integer is the sum of the number and the integer, ⌊x⌋+n=⌊x⌋,n∈Z
  • Real number value minus with floor function x as x−⌊x⌋∈[0,1)
  • Real number between floor functions is ⌊x⌋≤x<⌊x⌋ where x∈R
  • For all real numbers, the difference and floor function there exists an integer n∈Z such that for some t∈[0,1) if and only if n=⌊x⌋
  • All Floor Functions have Idempotent property as ⌊⌊x⌋⌋=⌊x⌋
  • All the integers in the floor function are discrete in its nature

Graph of the Floor Function

The floor function on a graph is a function x that gives the highest integer value which is less than equal to the function as shown below.

In the graph, lines are shown in which the filled dot is the closed end whereas the unfilled is an open end. A floor function calculator can help in visualizing and understanding this concept more effectively.

Graphical Representation of Floor Functions

How to Calculate Floor Function Using Floor Calculator Math

Floor function Calculator has the simplest method for finding the highest floor number or, integer number that is less than the original function x. When you add the value of x in the calculator, it will analyze the given integer first. After that, it starts calculating the process in simple steps are:

Step 1:

After analyzing the function, it finds out all the possible integers of the given function x

Step 2:

It identifies the highest integer value among all the possible integers

Step 3:

Finally, the highest integer is the floor function of the given number

Let’s see an example of how to solve the floor function by using our floor function graphing calculator. Sometimes you need to understand the manual calculations and for that, we are going to give you an example.


Find the floor value of 4.8.


Given that x=4.8

So all the possible integers for 4.8 are 4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3.

$$ The\; highest\; integer\; is\; 4 $$


The floor function value of 4.8 is 4.


Find the Floor Value of 10.4.


Given that x= 10.4

So all the possible integers for 10.4 are

$$ 10,\; 9,\; 8,\; 7,\; 6,\; 5,\; 4,\; 3,\; 2,\;1,\; 0,\; -1,\; -2,\; -3,\; -4,\; -5,\; -6,\; -7,\; -8,\; -9\; etc. $$

$$ The\; highest\; integer\; is\; 10 $$


The floor function value of 10.4 is 10.

How to Use Our Floor Function Graph Calculator?

The floor function Calculator has a simple layout that allows you to solve floor number problems immediately. You do not need to put in any external effort just follow some steps to avoid any difficulty during the calculation. These steps are:

  • Enter the value of the integer number in the input box
  • Check your input number before clicking on the calculate button to get the exact solution as per your input in floor calculator math.
  • Press the “Calculate” button for the solution of a floor function questions
    Press the “Recalculate” button for more evaluation of the floor function examples with solution
  • You can use the load example to do more questions of floor function to check our floor function graphing calculator accuracy in solution.

Output Obtained from Floor Function Calculator

The floor function graph calculator gives you a solution according to your given input number when you click on the calculate button it starts the calculation process. It may include as:

Result box

You get the solution in the form of a round-off value of floor function problems after clicking on the result button.

Steps box
Click on the Possible steps option to get the solution of the given floor function question from the calculator in a step-by-step method

Plot box

It gives the solution in the form of a graph to show the nearest possible numbers from a given number.

Benefits of Using Floor Function Graphing Calculator

Floor calculator math gives you serval benefits whenever you use it to round off a given number. Moreover, it is an amazing tool for solving various types of numbers in the floor function method with a graph in the solution. These benefits are

  • It is a reliable tool as it gives you accurate solutions to floor number questions
  • It has a user-friendly tool that enables you or even a beginner to easily solve the given number problem in the floor function calculator.
  • It does not impose a condition of signing up before using it for the calculation in the floor function graph calculator.
  • It is a swift tool that provides you with the solution to your given number question in a fraction of a second.
  • It is a free online tool, you can find it for the evaluation of integer number questions without spending.
  • It is used for practice to solve various kinds of examples of decimal numbers with a solution.

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