Less Than Calculator

Do you want to get rid of the calculations of the smallest numbers? No worries as the less than calculator is here to give you accurate solutions.

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Number 1:
Number 2:
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Table of Contents:

Less Than Calculator - An Introduction

Less Than Calculator is a free tool that helps you to determine the smallest number from the given terms in less than a minute. It is used to evaluate two numbers and compare them to find out which number is lesser than the other.

Less Than Calculator with Steps

Less than sign calculator is a beneficial tool for students to get to know about less-than concepts or scientific researchers who wrote their calculations in the form of less-than numbers to organize their work by writing notes or labeling things for next usage.

What is the Less Than?

Less than is used to establish a relationship between two numbers and identify the smaller and larger numbers during the comparison of these two numbers. For example, if 6 or 3 has two numbers, find the less-than number. In solution you see 6 is a larger value than 3 then 3 is the smaller number so the answer is 3<6.

What is the Less than Sign?

The Less Than Calculator uses the specific symbol of Less than <” because it is an inequality sign between two numbers. It represents whether the given terms are greater or lower than the other number.

The smaller number always faces the back while the larger number always faces the open ends in the less symbol. E.g If 4 is smaller than 6 then you can write it down as 4<6.

Working Behind Less Than Sign Calculator

Less than solver has some important principles that are used to solve less than numbers for different kinds of numbers like integers, decimals, fractions, etc. That means it can easily calculate the smaller number from the given numbers.

When you add the input number in the less than finder, it starts the calculating process. If a different number is given to it then how does our tool find out the lesser number from other numbers? Let us understand the answer with the help of examples.

Integer Number

Integer numbers have both positive and negative numbers. Although the positive numbers are always higher, negative numbers are always less as they can easily be identified.


Find the less than number from -7 or -6.


As per the rule when a number has a negative sign then the number, as the number increases from the left side negative, value becomes lesser than the previous number.

In the given example two numbers are -7 or -6.

So as per the rule,

$$ -7\; is\; lesser\; than\; -6 $$

$$ -7\;<\; -6 $$


In the fraction method, if the denominator has the same value as the second fraction denominator then you see its numerator value, a small numerator has a smaller fraction than the other. Moreover, if the numerator has the same value then the higher denominator value is the smaller fraction.


Find the less than number from 2/3 or 2/5.

Here the given number is ⅔ or ⅖

As you can see numerator of the numbers are same then the higher denominator value fraction which is a smaller fraction.


$$ \frac{2}{5} < \frac{2}{3} $$

Decimal Number

For decimal numbers, firstly you see the left side of terms before the decimal point to check which term is smaller than the second number. If you cannot identify which is a smaller number from the left side then you can take one or two numbers after the decimal point and consider it as a number to recognize which is lesser than the other.


Find the less than number from 4.98 or 4.58.


In the given example if you check the left side of the value is 4 which is equal in both numbers. So, take a term from the other side of the decimal which is 4.9 or 4.5.


$$ 4.9 \;< \;4.5 $$

How to Use the Less than Calculator

Less than sign calculator has a simple interface that allows everyone even a beginner to use it to calculate the number problems. You should follow some of our instructions before adding the input value to the calculator. These steps are:

  1. Enter the first number in the input field.
  2. Enter the second number in the relevant field.
  3. Recheck your input number before clicking on the calculate button.
  4. Click the “Calculate” button to get the desired result for your specific problem.
  5. If you first time try our tool then you can use the load example that gives you better clarity about its working procedure.
  6. Click on the “Recalculate” option to get a new page for solving more number problems.

Outcome from Less than Solver

Less Than Calculator gives you the solution to your number questions when you add the input number to it. It provides you with solutions in a step-wise process. It may contain as

  • Result option gives you a smaller number in the solution when you build a comparison between two numbers.
  • Possible step provides you with all the steps where a complete process is given for finding the less-than-number question

Benefits of Using Less than Finder

Less than sign calculator gives you multiple benefits whenever you use it to calculate less than numbers from the family of number problems. These benefits are:

  • It took time to find out which term is smaller than the other especially in fraction or integer number problems when you do work manually but our tool saves the time and effort that you consume in this process.
  • It is a free tool that enables you to use it for free to find less than the number of questions
  • Less than solver can manage various types of numbers like integers, fractions, decimals, or whole numbers, which allows you to easily solve less than problems and gives exact solutions as per your input number
  • You can use our calculator for practice to get familiar with less-than concepts for different numbers used in less-than-problems
  • Less Than Calculator is a reliable tool that provides accurate solutions whenever you use it to find smaller numbers of problems without any manmade mistakes.

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