Greater Than Calculator

Do you know how to find the greater number? If not, our greater than calculator is here to find the greater number between two quantities or numbers in a fraction of a second.

Check which is Greater Than
Number 1:
Number 2:
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Table of Contents:

Introduction of Greater Than Calculator

Greater than calculator is an online tool that is used to find the greater number between two quantities or numbers in a fraction of a second. It evaluates the number that is larger than the other number when you compare two quantities from the given number set.

Greater than Calculator with Steps

Our check greater than tool helps you to easily identify the greater number because sometimes numbers like integers are so confusing to find which number is greater than another number like -8 or -9 which value is greater than. To get rid of this type of confusion we introduce a greater-than calculator.

What is Greater Than

The greater than technique is used when you want to find out which number is greater than the second number. It is the relationship between two terms when you compare them to get to know a greater number of others.

What is the Greater-Than-Sign - (Symbolic Representation)

For the greater than “>symbol is used. In greater than sign open end of the side has two corners or closed ends of the side and the other end has one corner.

The open end of the greater sign always faces toward the greater number while the closed one represents the smaller number e.g. 5 is greater than 3 and it represents 5>3.

How to Calculate Greater than a Number by Using Check Greater Than Tool

Greater than a number calculation is very easy if you know the basic rules that are used for various types of numbers like integers, decimals, fractions, etc.

If you have a different kind of number then how can you find the larger number? you can solve the previous question with the help of the greater than calculator and some basic rules which are given:

Whole Number

In whole number, if a is greater than b then the result will be shown as a>b. The whole number can be easily recognized as which number is bigger than the other number. For example, 9 or 8 which is greater than? Here, see 9 is greater than 8, 9>8.

Decimal Number

For decimal numbers, you see the left side of terms before the decimal point first to check which term is larger than the second number.

If you cannot identify which is a larger number from the left side then you can take one or two numbers after the decimal point and consider it as a whole number to recognize which is bigger than the other. For example 4.98 or 4.58 for greater than a number?

In the given example if you check the left side of the value is 4 which is equal in both numbers. So, you take a term from the other side of the decimal which is 4.9 or 4.5, and 4.9>4.5.

Integer Number

Integer numbers have both positive and negative numbers, positive numbers are always higher than negative numbers.

On the other hand, if both numbers are negative then the higher number with a negative sign is always less than the other number is lower than the first number with a negative sign. E.g. is -4 greater than -7? then a greater number is -4 as -4>-7.


If the denominator has the same value as the second fraction denominator then you see its numerator value, a larger numerator is greater than the other fraction.

In contrast, if the numerator has the same value then the lower denominator value is the larger fraction.

Let's take a practical example of greater than with a solution to observe the working process of the greater than calculator.

Is 1/2 Greater Than ⅓


Given data is 1/2.1/3

In the example, as you see the numerator value is the same in both the fraction.

Now according to the rule, we see its denominator value in which 3 has a smaller denominator value than the 2 denominator number.

That means 1/3 is greater than 1/2. So 1/3>1/2 in solution.

Is -8 Greater Than - 7


a=-8 and b=-7 are in the example, -7 is less than -8. Nevertheless, according to its rule, -7 is a bigger value than -8 so finally, -7 is greater than -8 as -7>-8.

Is 1/2 Greater Than ⅝


As you can see both the fractions ½ or 5/8 have different numerator or denominator values than dividing the fraction and using the decimal rule.

½=0.5 and ⅝ is 0.625

Then 0.5 is less than 0.6 so 0.6>0.5

How to use Greater Than Calculator

Check greater than solver has a simple design tool that enables you to use it to calculate the greater number between two numbers when you compare them.

Before entering the input function into the Greater-than calculator, you must follow some simple steps so that you get an amazing experience during the calculation. These steps are:

  1. Enter the first number in the first input box.
  2. Enter the second number in the second input box.
  3. Review your number before hitting the calculate button to start the evaluation process in greater than a calculator.
  4. Click the “Calculate” button to get the result of your given number problem.
  5. If you want to try out our calculator for the first time then you can use the load example to get a better understanding of the concept of the greater than method
  6. Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a refresh page for more example solutions of greater than problem

Final Result of Greater Number Calculator

Greater than calculator gives you the solution to a given number when you add the input of two numbers into it. It provides you with solutions with a complete procedure. It may be included as:

  • Result option

When you click on the Result option it gives you a solution for the larger number to find the given problem

  • Possible steps

It provides you with a solution in which all the evaluation processes are present in a step-by-step method for a greater number of problems when you click on this option.

Advantages of Greater-Than Calculator

Check greater than tool provides you with multiple benefits whenever you use it to calculate greater than problems and gives you a solution. These benefits are:

  • It is a free-of-cost tool that enables you to use it free anytime to find the greater problem
  • Greater number calculator is a versatile tool that can manage various types of numbers to find the larger number
  • Our tool helps to get a strong hold on greater than a concept when you use it to practice more examples of the greater than a question.
  • Our greater than calculator saves the time that you spend on doing the comparison between two number calculations to get a bigger number.
  • It is a reliable tool that provides you with accurate solutions whenever you use it to calculate greater numbers of integers, fractions, or decimals without any error.
  • It provides the solution with a complete process in a stepwise method so that you get clarity on the greater than number problems

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