Greater Than Less Than Calculator

The greater than less than calculator is a helpful tool for anyone to calculate the higher or smaller number from the given two numbers.

Check which is Greater Than
Number 1:
Number 2:
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Table of Contents:

Greater than Less than Calculator - An Introduction

Greater than less than calculator is an online tool that is used to find a higher or smaller number from the given two numbers. It calculates the greater or lesser number in solution when it compares any type of two numbers (whole number, fraction, decimal, or negative number).

Greater than Less than Calculator with Steps

Sometimes it is very difficult to recognize the greater or lesser number during comparison because you are not familiar with rules that are used to identify larger or smaller numbers. It makes the calculation time-consuming, to avoid all the trouble you can use our greater or less than calculator that helps you to evaluate the larger or lesser number easily.

What is Greater and Less Than?

Greater than or less than is the comparison of two numbers to determine which number is greater or lesser than another number. It is an important concept in mathematical processes that is used to build the relationship between two numbers.

For example, if two numbers are 3 and 5, then after a comparison of these numbers. we see that 5 is greater than 3 so 3 is lesser than 5. Mathematically it represents 5>3 or 3<5.

Symbol for Greater Than / Less Than

Greater than or less than has a specific symbol that helps everyone to easily understand which symbol is used to represent the greater or lesser value. The Greater than less than calculator represents the value using the symbol.

For greater than “>” symbol use or for lesser than “<” symbol use in mathematics to represent inequality. If we write a>b then one can easily recognize a is greater than b. On the other hand, if we write x < y then it means x is smaller than y.

How to Calculate Greater Than and Less Than

Greater than or less than calculator has a simple calculating process that represents the inequality between two numbers and represents the value.

To find out the comparison between numbers for greater or less than the value you should know the basic rules that are used to solve various types of numbers like integers, decimals, fractions, etc. Let's find out the different number of questions with the help of basic rules which are given as

Decimal Number

To find the greater than less than decimal numbers, greater less than calculator uses the following steps

  • First, identify the left side of terms before the decimal point to check which term is larger than or smaller than the second number.
  • If the larger number is not identified from the left side then you can take one or two numbers after the decimal point and compare them.


For example 3.98 or 2.67 for greater than or less than number?


In the given example, first check the left side of the value to see if that is 3 or 2 in the first or second number

If both terms have an equal number before the decimal point, then check the number after the decimal to find larger or less number).

Solution is 3.98>2.67 or 2.67<3.98

Whole Number

In whole numbers, to find a smaller or larger number, greater than less than calculator uses some principles. If a is greater than b then the result will be shown as a>b.

On the other hand, if the whole number is less, so x < y (when x and y are two given numbers) can be easily recognized as which number is bigger than the other number.

For example,23,29 which is greater than or smaller?

Here, see 29 is greater than 23, or you can say 23 is smaller than 29.

29>23 , 23<29

Integer Number

Integer numbers have both positive and negative numbers, positive numbers are always higher than negative numbers.

If both numbers are negative then the higher number with a negative sign is always less than the other number which is lower than the first number with a negative sign. The following is an example to show how the greater than or less than calculator solves such problems.

Example: Is -21 greater than -17? Then find a greater or smaller number.

Solution: as you can see -17 is smaller than -21 but the negative sign makes -17 a larger number as per integer number.

$$ -17>-21 \;or\; -21<-17 $$


When a fraction is given to greater or less than calculator, If the denominator has the same value as the second fraction denominator then its numerator value will be changed, a larger numerator is greater than the other fraction.

In contrast, if the numerator has the same value then the lower denominator value is the larger fraction and other is smaller.

Let's see a practical example of greater than to understand the procedure followed in greater than calculation method.

Example: Is 1/3 greater than 7/3? Then find a greater or smaller number.


As the denominator of both the term is 3 which is the same 1/3,7/3

Then according to fraction rule, you see its numerator value

7/3>1/3 ,1/3<7/3

How to Use Greater than Less than Calculator

Greater than or less than calculator has the simplest design that allows you to use it to find out the higher or smaller both numbers.

Before entering the input number into the calculator, you must follow some of our guidelines, so that you get an amazing experience during the calculation. These steps are:

  1. Enter the first number value in the input box.
  2. Enter the second number value in the next input box.
  3. Review your value before clicking the calculate button to start the evaluation process.
  4. Click the “Calculate” button to get the result of your given number problem and get less or greater number in the solution.
  5. If you want to try out the greater less than calculator for the first time then you can use the load example and its solution to get a better understanding of this concept
  6. Click on the “Recalculate” button to return to the home page for more solutions to number questions to find out inequality.

Outcome of Greater or Less than Calculator

Greater than less than calculator gives you the solution to a given number question when you add the input number to it. It provides you with solutions in complete detail. It may be included as:

  • Result Option

When you click on the Result option it gives you a solution as greater than or less than the number

  • Possible Steps

It provides you with a solution in which all the steps are present in its method of the greater than less than number problem when you click on this option.

Advantages of Greater than or Less than Calculator

Greater or less than calculator provides you with tons of advantages whenever you use it to calculate number problems and gives you a solution. You do not need to do anything just simply add the input value into the calculator only. These benefits are:

  • It is a trustworthy tool that provides you with accurate solutions whenever you use it to calculate greater than less than number examples without mistakes.
  • It provides the solution with a complete procedure in a stepwise method so that you get clarity on the number problems concept.
  • Greater less than calculator is a free-of-cost tool so you can use it for free to find the higher or smaller number problem for greater than or less than in real time.
  • It is a versatile tool that allows you to get the solution of various kinds of numbers like integers, fractions, decimals, or whole number-related questions.
  • It is a handy tool so you can use it from anywhere in the world through a computer, laptop, mobile or tablet, etc.
  • Our Greater than less than calculator saves the time that you spend on finding number problems for greater than or less than numbers.

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