Percent Error Calculator

If you want to calculate the percent error of a question then use our percent error calculator and determine the percent error in seconds.

Observed Value:
True Value:
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Introduction to Percent Error Calculator

The percentage error calculator is a free tool that is used to calculate percent error of a given question.

percent error calculator with steps

The error percentage calculator is used to evaluate the rate of difference in percentage from the actual value to the approximate value that tells how much value varies from the actual value which helps to improve the quality of the sample, experiment, or data.

What is the Percent Error?

Percent error is the measurement of the error between the actual value and the given estimated value. In fact, it is the difference between the actual value and the estimated value that shows the percentage of error from the sample data.

Formula Behind Percentage Error Calculator

Percent error formula consists of approx value and exact value subtraction and divides the value from the actual value and multiplies it by the percentage value to get the actual error from the sample data. The percent error calculator uses the following formula to evaluate,

$$ \frac{\biggr| Approximate\;Value - Exact\;Value \biggr|}{|Exact\;Value|} * 100 $$

Working Method of Error Percentage Calculator

The percentage of error calculator has an advanced server that allows it to solve different types of error values. It uses the formula of percent error to give the solution of actual error from the given sample data.

When you add the exact value or approx value in this error percent calculator, it will check the error type you gave from the list. After getting the input, it starts the calculation of the percent error.

If you choose the percent error the calculator will simply add the given values in the formula and give the solution of percent error.

If you choose theoretical value error then it uses the formula that is given as

$$ T \;=\; \frac{E}{(1 \pm \% \; error 100)} $$

Where you need a 100% error value which is added or subtracted in 1, and then the exact value is divided into previous error values to give a theoretical percent error.

If you choose experimental error from the list then it calculates this error according to the formula of theoretical error

$$ E \;=\; T \biggr(1 \pm \frac{ \% error}{100} \biggr) $$

Where the error is divided by 100 and added or subtracted from 1. Then multiply with the theoretical value and you get the solution of experimental percent error.

Now let us examine an example of percent error to observe the percent error calculator working process.

Calculate Percent Error - Example

Although the percentage of error calculator will always solve the percent problems but knowing the manual calculation is crucial as well. So we will give you an example and explain the steps to let you know about the manual calculations.


A person’s actual height is 174cm but his height is measured as 182cm. Determine the percent error in this measurement.


The measured value = 182cm

The true value = 174cm

Percentage Error = ?

Using the formula,

$$ Percentage\; Error \;=\; \biggr| \frac{Measured\;Value - True\; Value}{True\; Value} \biggr| * 100 $$

$$ \biggr| \frac{182-174}{174} \biggr| * 100 $$

$$ \biggr| \frac{8}{174} \biggr| * 100 $$

$$ 0.0460 * 100 $$

$$ 4.60% $$

How to Evaluate in Percent Error Calculator

The percentage error calculator is simply designed that provide you with a comfortable experience that helps you to use this calculator without any difficulty. You just need to follow our guidelines while calculating in it. These guidelines are:

  1. Enter the approx value in the respective field.
  2. Enter the actual value in its relevant field.
  3. Choose the type of error you want to evaluate from the given list (theoretical value or experimental value, percent error).
  4. Click the calculate button for the solution of the error percentage.
  5. Press the recalculate button for more calculation of percent error.

Result from Percentage of Error Calculator

The percent error calculator provides you with the result of the error value immediately after you enter the input in the calculator. It may include as:

Result box

This box gives you the answer to the error percentage as per the given input

Possible steps

This step box provides a solution of percent error with a complete explanation in detail.

Advantages of Error Percent Calculator

The error percentage calculator provides multiple benefits whenever you use it to find errors in experiments. It will give you the exact error percentage. These benefits are

  • The calculator saves time from finding error approximation values manually.
  • Our percentage error calculator has a user-friendly design so a beginner or expert can use it for the solution of the percent error value.
  • You can use it from anywhere through your mobile, laptop, or computer.
  • You are not required to pay any fee for the premium subscription.
  • The Percent error calculator gives you solutions in step by step process for easy understanding of the error concept.
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