Percentage Calculator

Want to get the solution of both simple and complex percentage problems? Our percentage calculator will calculate any type of percentage problem for you.

What is
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is what % of
% of what
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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Percentage Calculator

The percent calculator is a percent tool that helps to find the solution of both simple or complex percentage problems and provides complete solutions in detail. You can evaluate the x to y% or y% to x or x to p% from this calculator in a few seconds.

percentage calculator with steps

The percentage of calculator is a helpful tool for calculating percentage of different values in the collection of sample data. For example, you can find the grade percentage of students in a class without doing percentage calculations or can find the average percentages easily.

What is Percentage?

Percentage is a number or ratio that is present in a fraction of 100. It is represented with % symbols. Percentage numbers are dimensionless numbers. Percentage provides you with an average value from a collection of data in a percentage form.

Percentage Formula Used by Percent Calculator

The percentage formula is the ratio of the numerator and denominator multiplied by the percentage. You can change this formula according to your problem for finding different types of values of percentage.

The formula of percentage used by our percentage calculator is given below,

$$ Percentage \;=\; \frac{denominator}{numerator} \; * percentage $$

However, if a value is given then the ratio of percentage values is also determined and the solution would be in percentage as well. The calculator determine the ratio of percentage values easily.

Working Behind the Percentage of Calculator

The calculator percentage has a simple and easy-to-understandable working procedure to solve percentage problems. It has all the percentage formulas in its server that allow you to solve all kinds of percentage-related problems immediately.

To calculate percentage, you enter your particular percentage problem then the percentages calculator starts recognizing the given data so that it provides you with an accurate solution of percent value. You can give different values to solve percentages.

On the other hand, you may also access the website directly by clicking on the link and can access different math tools.

y% for x value:

If you give this type of input to the percentage calculator then it starts calculating the percentage for value using the formula,

$$ y\;=\;x* \frac{100}{100} $$

In this formula, the x value is multiplied by 100 and divided by 100 for the solution of the y value in percentage.

p% for x value:

To get the x value from the percentage finder you first enter the value of p and x value in the calculator. Then it uses the formula,

$$ y\;=\; \frac{x.p}{100} $$

Where it multiplies x with p, and the product of xp is divided by 100 and you will get the value of x.

p% for y value:

To find the value of y, percent calculator uses the following formula:

$$ y\;=\; \frac{x*100}{p} $$

Our Calculator follows this formula where it multiplies x value to 100 and then divides the multiplication result with the value of p. You can get the value of y from the percentage of calculator and through which you can determine the raise in percentage or differences.

Solved Examples of Percentage

You should be wondering how to calculate percentages manually. Although the percentage calculator helps to solve questions but it's also essential to solve such questions manually.


What is 25% of 50?


So, from the above question, we have 25% of 50 which could be,

$$ 25 \% \; of \;50 \;=\; \frac{1}{4} * 50 $$

$$ \frac{50}{4} $$


$$ 12.5 $$

How to Use the Percentage Calculator

The calculator percentage has a user-friendly interface that provides you with a solution of your percent question. You just need to follow our instructions before using it for calculating percentage. These instructions are:

  1. Enter the value of the percentage in the input field.
  2. Enter the amount for which you want to evaluate the percentage
  3. Click on the “calculate” button to get the solution of percentage problems.
  4. Press the “Recalculate” button to get a new page for more calculation of percentages.

So, after clicking the recalculate button you can start more calculations and determine the changes in percentage occurs in the calculations instantly.

Result from the Calculator Percentage

The percentage calculator gives you the solution to a percent question after giving the input value. You can get some other options along with the solution to the given percent problem. It may include:

  • Result option provides you with the solution to the given percent questions.
  • Possible steps provide you solutions with complete step-by-step details for the percentage problems

Benefits of Percentages Calculator

The percent calculator will give you millions of advantages whenever you use it to evaluate percentage problems. These benefits are:

  • This calculator saves time because when you are stuck in percentage evaluations manually, it consumes most of your time.
  • It is a speedy tool as it gives you the result of the percentage questions instantly.
  • This is a free tool, so you can use it any time to solve the percent value.
  • The percentage finder is a trustworthy tool that provides you with accurate solutions to percentage questions
  • It is an easy-to-use tool that helps you to solve different types of percent problems easily.
  • Our percentage calculator provides you with solutions in steps so that you get clarity of how to find the value of two points in percentage concept easily.
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