Percentage of a Percentage Calculator

Evaluate the solution of the percentage problem in percentage easily with the help of our percentage of a percentage calculator.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Percentage of a Percentage Calculator

Percentage of Percentage Calculator is a percent tool that helps you to find the solution to the percentage problem in percentage. It is used to determine the ratio of the percentage values to get the solution in percentage in less than a minute.

percentage of a percentage calculator with steps

What is the Percentage of a Percentage?

The percentage of a percentage is the determination of ratio between two percentages in percentage value in a new percentage. It is used to make a comparison between the first percentage and second percentage whether it is in increasing or decreasing order.

Formula of Percentage of a Percentage

The percentage of a percentage formula converts two values into a third percentage value. The percentage of a percentage formula used by our Percentage of a Percentage Calculator is as follows,

$$ Percentage \;=\; \frac{p1}{100} * \frac{p2}{100} * 100 $$


  • P1: first number in percentage number
  • P2: Second number in percent number

Working Behind the Percentage of Percentage Calculator

The percent of a percent calculator uses a simple and easy method to calculate the percent to percent question that will be understandable for everyone. When you give the input it recognizes the given data immediately and gives a solution as per your given percent number because it has a built-in percentage formula in its server.

First, you add the percentage number in its respective field and then press the enter button so that the calculation process has started. The calculator analyzes the percent values first and then applies its formula.

According to the formula first, we determine the ratio between the percent numbers and 100 as p1/100 and the same for the second ratio which is p2/100. After finding the ratio number of p1 and p2, it multiplies by 100 to convert these percent values into percentages again.

In this way, you get the solution of percent value. You do not need to do anything just add value to it and get a solution in step-wise method. Now let's observe an example of a two percent number.

Solved Example of Percentage of a Percentage

The Percentage of a Percentage Calculator can solve the percentage of percentage problems for you but it's also important to know the steps to solve it. Here we are going to give you an example.


Pat's income is 20% more than Adam. How much percent is Adam's income less than Pat's?"


Let Pat’s income be P.

Since Adam’s income is 20% more than Pat’s, Adam’s income is

$$ P+0.20P \;=\; 1.20P $$

Calculating the percentage difference:

$$ Percentage\;difference \;=\; \frac{Difference\;in\;incomes}{Adam’s\; income} * 100 $$

$$ Difference\;in\;incomes \;=\; Adam’s\;income - Pat’s\;income $$

$$ 1.20P-P \;=\; 0.20P $$

$$ Percentage\;difference \;=\; \frac{0.20P}{1.20P} * 100 $$

$$ \frac{0.20}{1.20} * 100 $$

Simplify and Calculate the percentage:

$$ Percentage\;difference \;=\; \frac{0.20}{1.20} * 100 $$

$$ \frac{1}{6} * 100 $$

$$ 16.6 \% $$

So, Pat’s income is approximately 16.67% less than Adam’s income.

How to Use the Percentage of a Percentage Calculator?

Percentage of Percentage Calculator is an easy-to-use design that lets you simply calculate the percent to percent problems without any external difficulty. Follow these simple steps to evaluate in fraction of a second. These simple steps are:

  1. Enter the first percentage value in the first input box.
  2. Enter the second percentage value in the second box.
  3. Click on the calculate button to get the solution of percent to percent question.
  4. Click on the “Recalculate” button to do further calculation.

Outcome from Percent of a Percent Calculator:

You will get the percent-to-percent problem result from the Percentage of a Percentage Calculator according to your input. You can get some extra options along with the solution.

  • Result box provides the solution of percent to percent problem.
  • Steps give you solutions of the percent problem in a step-by-step method and determine the slope of the percentage as well.

Benefits of Our Calculator

The percent of a percent calculator will give you multiple benefits whenever you use it for calculating the different percentage numbers for finding new percentage values in percentage. These advantages are:

  • It provides the calculation of a percent to percent value instantly when you press the calculate button.
  • Our Percentage of Percentage Calculator can operate a computer, laptop, mobile, or tablet through an internet connection.
  • It provides accurate solutions of percent number, every time because it is a reliable tool.
  • It is a free tool that does not demand any subscription fee to use it.
  • It has a user-friendly interface that enables you to use it easily for the evaluation of percent-to-percent problems.
  • You can do as many calculations as you want to find the percent to percent problems in this Percentage of a Percentage Calculator.
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