Percentage Point Calculator

Do you want to calculate the two points in percentage? You are in the right place as the percentage point calculator calculates the percentage points accurately and speedily.

Percent 1:
Percent 2:
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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Percentage Point Calculator

The percentage to points calculator is an online percent calculator used to find the value of two percentage point. It evaluates the percentage value of two different points using arithmetic operations in a fraction of a second.

percentage point calculator with steps

Our tool is helpful for students, professionals, and statistics teachers for making notes and compiling results of class and presentations, especially for those who want a quick method to solve the percent point problems instantly.

What is a Percentage Point?

Percentage point is a method to determine difference between two points and the average between these points in percentage. The percent point method gives you the value of the percent point difference between two numbers and converts these point values into percentages.

Formula of Percentage Point:

Percentage point formula is used to find the percent values from the two given points. The formula used by the percentage point calculator is,

$$ Percentage \;Point \;Difference \;=\; p_1 - p_2 $$

$$ Percentage \; Difference \;=\; \biggr( \frac{(p_1-p_2)}{\frac{p_1+p_2}{2}} \biggr) * 100 $$


  • P1: first point value of percentage
  • p2: Second point value of percent value
  • p1+p2/2: average of two point values

Working Procedure of Percentage to Points Calculator

The percentage points calculator has a simple process to calculate the point values in percentages. It has a built-in percentage point formula that helps you to find the change in percent point and provides you with the exact solution according to a given question.

When you give the input in the calculator, it will identify the given point value to start the calculating process. After identification, it finds the difference between point one and point two as p1- p2.

Then the calculator finds the average of percentages between these two points. After the calculation of the average value, it divides the result of subtraction from the average result. Consequently, the ratio result is multiplied by 100 to give the result.

Let's take an example of the percent point question to observe the working procedure of percentage point calculator for a better understanding of the concept.

Solved Example of Percentage Point

An example of a percentage point is given below,


The difference between 8.10% and 8.15% is 5 basis points, prove?


Difference in percentages:

$$ 8.15 \% - 8.10 \% \;=\; 0.05 \% $$

$$ 8.15 \% - 8.10 \% \;=\; 0.05 \% $$

Convert to Basis Points:

Since 1% equals 100 basis points, we will multiply the difference in percentages by 100:

$$ 0.05 \% \times 100 \;=\; 5 $$

$$ 0.05 \% \times 100 \;=\; 5 \;basis\;points $$

Therefore, the difference between 8.10% and 8.15% is indeed 5 basis points.

How to Use the Percentage Point Calculator?

The percentage to points calculator uses a straightforward design that helps you to easily solve the percent point questions. Follow these simple steps while using the percent point calculator. These steps are:

  • Enter the first percent point value in the input box
  • Enter the second percent point value in the respective box
  • Click on the “Calculate” button to get the solution percent point value.
  • Press the “Recalculate” button to get a new page for evaluating more percent point examples

Output of Percentage Points Calculator

You can get the solution of the percentage point problem from the percentage point calculator immediately after you hit the calculate button. Our tool provides you solution with an explanation to clear this concept. It may contain as:

  • Result option

It provides you with the solution to the percentage point problem

  • Possible steps

It provides you with solutions with complete step-wise percentage point problems.

Benefits of Using Our Calculator:

The percentage points calculator provides you with multiple benefits whenever you are using it for calculating the percentage points questions. These benefits are:

  • It is a reliable tool that gives you accurate solutions to percentage-point questions
  • It is a user-friendly interface so that you can easily solve the percent point problems and determines the slope of percentage as well.
  • Our percentage to points calculator provides you with solutions for percentage points in a step-by-step process.
  • It saves time that you consume in doing complex calculations of average percentage problems manually
  • It is an efficient percent problem solver as it gives you the solution to percentage point questions in no time.
  • The percentage point calculator does not charge any fee for the premium subscription
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