Gamma Function Calculator

Want to get the step-by-step solution of the gamma function? Now we can find the accurate solution of the gamma function with the help of our gamma function calculator with steps.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Gamma Function Calculator

The Gamma function calculator is an online statistic or probability tool that is used to find the gamma function of a given non-negative number.

gamma function calculator with steps

Our gamma distribution calculator computes the approximation value of any real or complex number factorial. You must be wondering what is gamma distribution so let’s explore it a little bit.

What is a Gamma Function?

The gamma function is a data analysis type of function that uses a factorial technique to find out the probability distribution function in the statistic field.

It gives the solution of a given positive number as per the input of the x value. The gamma function can be represented by the Greek letter Γ and calculated from the formula Γ(n) = (n - 1)!

Rule Used for Gamma Function

Gamma function formula is similar to the factorial method where you can take the factorial of n numbers to get the approximate value. The gamma function calculator uses the following formula to solve the gamma function problem,

$$ \rceil (n) \;=\; (n-1)! $$


n is the total number of gamma function values

(n-1) is the approximate value

The gamma function is defined as the improper integral where the integral is for x > 0 forms known as Euler's Integral method.

$$ \rceil(x) \;=\; \int_{0}^{\infty} f^{(z-1)} e^{-t} dt $$

How to Evaluate the Gamma Distribution Calculator?

Gamma calculator has built-in features in its server that enable you to give any type of positive number and it gives you a solution for a given number immediately. The calculator uses a quick and easiest way to calculate the Gamma function.

When you give the input function in the gamma factor calculator, it will check the nature of the given number (real or complex). Then it will apply the Gamma formula where it subtracts the given number as n-1. Now it takes the factorial of number (that subtracts from 1).

After taking factorial you get the solution of your given Gamma function in a few seconds. Let's understand an example to elaborate on the working method of the Gamma function calculator as shown in the example.

Gamma Distribution Example

A gamma distribution example with its solution is given below to help you understand such questions.


Determine the following:

$$ \rceil 10 $$


Given that:

$$ \rceil 10 $$

As it is known that

$$ \rceil n \;=\; (n-1)! $$


$$ \rceil 10 \;=\; (10-1)! $$

$$ 9! $$

$$ 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 *2 * 1 $$

$$ 362880 $$

$$ \rceil 10 \;=\; 362880 $$

How to Use Gamma Function Calculator?

Gamma calculator has the simplest design so you can use it to calculate the positive number value in less than a minute.

Before adding the input value to the gamma factor calculator, you must check out some simple steps so that you have a good experience during the calculation process. These steps are:

  1. Enter your non-negative number in the input box
  2. Review your input number before starting the calculation process in the calculator
  3. Click the “Calculate” button to get the desired result of your given Gamma function number
  4. If you want to try out our gamma distribution calculator first time then you must use the load example that gives you better clarity about our tool's working procedure.
  5. Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a new page for solving more Gamma function problems to find probability distribution.

Final Result of the Gamma Calculator

Gamma function calculator gives you the solution to the positive number in a data analysis type function when you add the input to it. It provides you with solutions with a complete process in less than a minute. It may contain as

  • Result option gives you a solution for the Gamma function
  • Possible steps option provides you with all the steps of the Gamma function estimated value.
  • Plot option provides you solution in the form of a graph for the Gamma function

Benefits of Using Gamma Factor Calculator

Gamma distribution calculator will give you tons of benefits whenever you use it to calculate the Gamma function estimated problems. You just enter your gamma function in the input field and the rest of the work will be done in the calculator automatically. Its benefits are:

  • Our calculator saves time from doing lengthy and complex calculations of Gamma function problems and its solutions.
  • The gamma calculator is a free tool as it does not demand a fee so you can use it for free to find the approximation value of the given function.
  • It is a handy tool as it can operate from a laptop, desktop, and mobile through an internet connection from anywhere
  • It has a simple layout so everyone can easily manage it. You do not need to become an expert to use the tool.
  • It is a reliable tool as it always provides you with accurate solutions to Gamma function problems in no time.
  • Gamma function calculator is an educational tool that is very helpful for students who want to learn statistics and probability concepts without going anywhere else.
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