Root Calculator

Determine the roots of a number, such as square roots, cube roots, or nth roots, using our Root Calculator. Try Now - it's free!

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Root Calculator

Root Calculator with steps is an online tool that helps you to find the roots of a given number in a few seconds. Our tool can evaluate various types of root numbers like square roots, cube roots, or nth roots with solution.

Root Calculator with Steps

Our roots calculator is a valuable tool as it is used in different fields such as mathematics, engineering, physics, and finance, where root calculations are important. Due to its high demand people want to get quick and accurate results, for root problem calculations.

What is a Root

Root is any number when it is multiplied by itself it provides the original number. Roots method has a fundamental concept in algebra and calculus, as they are essential for solving mathematical expressions.

The root expression number can vary as it refers to the solutions of radical expressions involving square roots, cube roots, fourth roots, etc. For example, √9 square root is 3, and √216 is the cube root of 6.

How to Calculate the Square Root

For the calculation of square root expression let's consider an example of radical expression so that you can easily understand how the roots calculator reduce radical expression into the simplest form. Find the radical express for √169


Step 1: Identify the given expression or root number

Step 2: Analyze which operation is best for finding a solution. As √169 is solved with the factor method.

$$ \sqrt{169} \;=\; \sqrt{13 \times 13} $$

$$ =\; \sqrt{13^2} $$

$$ =\;13 $$

Therefore √169 can be easily converted into simpler terms with the help of the factor method.

Are you tired of doing manual calculations? Our nth root calculator with steps is ideal for you. It will give you accurate results in seconds.

How to Calculate Cube Root

For the calculation of cube root expression let's see an example of radical expression. However, It solves the given problem until its root value is not eliminated if it is possible. Find the radical expression for cube root √512.

Step 1: Find all the prime factors of the number under the cube root.The prime factors of 512 are 2× 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 which is equal to 29

Step 2: Write all the factors in cube root expression √512= √2× 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2.

Step 3: Now write it into exponential form and simply use the mathematical expression as √29

Step 4: After simplification, we get a 2 × 2 × 2 root which is equal to 8.

Solved Example of Roots Problem

An example of root problems from our roots finder with complete step by step procedure to solve complex expressions is given.


Find the square root of 8


$$ \sqrt[2]{8} $$

$$ \sqrt[2]{2^3} $$

$$ \sqrt{2^1} . \sqrt[2]{2^1} $$

$$ \sqrt{2} . \sqrt[2]{2} $$

$$ 2 \sqrt[2]{2} $$


Find the square root of 64


$$ \sqrt[4]{64} $$

$$ =\;\sqrt[2]{2^6} $$

$$ =\;2^3 $$

$$ =\; 8 $$


Find the cube root of 125


$$ \sqrt[3]{125} $$

$$ \sqrt[3]{5^3} $$

$$ 5^1 $$

$$ 5 $$


Find the cube root of 216


$$ \sqrt[2]{216} $$

$$ =\; \sqrt[2]{2^3 . 3^3} $$

$$ 2^1 . 3^1 . \sqrt[2]{2^1 . 3^1} $$

$$ 2 . 3 . \sqrt[2]{2 . 3} $$

$$ 6 \sqrt[2]{6} $$

How to Use the Root Finder

Roots of equation calculator provides you with the easiest method to solve nth root number problems. You just need to follow some of our guidelines so that you use it correctly for the evaluation. These steps are:

  • Enter the value of “a” (radicand number) in the input box
  • Enter the value of “n” (index) in the second input box
  • Click on the “Calculate” button to get the solution of the nth root number problem.
  • Recalculate button will bring you back to the home page where you can evaluate more examples of root value problems.
  • If you'd like to check the accuracy of our roots finder, you can use a load example solution so that you get an idea about its solution accuracy.

Output of Root Solver

Root Calculator with steps gives a solution of algebraic expression for finding root number immediately when you click on the calculate button. It may include as:

Result Section:

When you click on the result button it provides you with solutions nth root problems.

Possible Steps Section:

It provides you with solutions nth root problems in a step by step process.

Useful Features for Using of Roots Solver

Roots Calculator has many useful features that compel you to use it whenever you need to calculate nth root problems and give a solution. These benefits are:

  • It is a free tool so you can use it to find the square root, cube root or nth root problems in real-time.
  • Our tool can be operated anywhere through any device, such as a laptop, computer, mobile phone, or tablet.
  • You can check out the roots of the equation calculator to practice more examples so that you get a stronghold on the root number concept.
  • Our root finder saves you the time and effort required to perform manual calculations.
  • Root solver is a trustworthy tool that provides you with accurate solutions every time whenever you use it to calculate the root number examples.
  • Our nth root calculator with steps provides the solution with a complete process in a step-by-step method so that you get a better understanding of the root value problems.

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