Proportion Calculator

The proportion calculator is a beneficial tool for anyone who wants to find the proportion between two quantities.

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Table of Contents:

Introduction to Proportion Calculator

Proportion calculator is an online source used to find the proportion between two quantities in less than a minute. Our tool helps you determine the unknown number from the given ratio to check whether one quantity is increasing or decreasing.

Proportion Calculator with steps

The proportions calculator is a valuable source for all as it can be applied in almost all fields in sports, transportation, time, measurement vehicles, etc.

What is a Proportion?

Proportion is the comparison between two quantities that are equivalent to each other. It is denoted with a double colon “:: “ symbol or ” = “ sign. Proportion represents two equal quantities in the form of fractions and ratios.

Two types of proportion are used in mathematics. One is the direct proportion and the other is the indirect proportion. When two quantities increase or decrease in any question, you use the proportion method to get a solution.

How to Calculate Proportion

For solving proportions, you need to know about the direct and inverse proportion concepts. Let's see the proportional calculation process in the proportion solver and understand both direct or inverse proportion problems one by one.

For Direct Proportion:

The direct proportion steps used by the Proportion calculator to solve the direct proportion problem are given below,

Step 1:

First, our tool Identifies the given two quantities to check if it is directly proportional to each other or not.

Step 2:

After observing the given problem is directly proportional. Then it writes down the proportional problem that makes the relationship between the two quantities using the formula y=kx, where k is the proportionality constant.

Step 3:

If y is directly proportional to x, then the ratio of y to x has a constant of proportionality k.

Step 4:

Using the formula, the proportional calculator puts the x and y values to find the proportional constant.

Step 5:

After that, it adds the proportional constant value and x value in that formula again to solve the unknown quantity for the solution of a given problem.

For Inverse Proportion:

To solve the inverse proportion problem, the proportional relationship calculator uses the given steps that are,

Step 1:

First, it Identifies the two quantities to check whether they are inversely proportional or directly proportional to each other.

Step 2:

It Writes down the proportion between the two quantities using the formula xy=k, where k is the proportionality constant.

Step 3:

If y is inversely proportional to x, then the product of x and y remains constant.

Step 4:

With the help of the formula proportionality calculator put the x and y values to find the inversely proportional constant value.

Step 5:

For the Calculation of the unknown values, again it put the x and k values in that formula for the solution.

In these steps, you can effectively calculate proportions in both direct and inverse proportion problems with solutions. The proportions solver always ensures that you understand the comparison between two quantities and use the appropriate formula to solve for the unknown quantity.

Examples of Solving Proportions

Let's see an example of proportion to understand the working procedure of the Proportion calculator with fractions and know how to solve such problems manually.


In an office supply store, there are 8 that cost 12.00$. Assume that all the markers are equally priced then how much do 6 markers cost?


In the given problem we use the proportion method because the total cost is equal to the number of marketer prices.

$$ \frac{12\;dollars}{8 \;markers} \;=\; \frac{x\;dollars}{6\;markers} $$

Rewrite the above expression as,

$$ \frac{12}{8} \;=\; \frac{x}{6} $$

Use cross multiplication method to reduce the fraction

$$ x \times 8 \;=\; 12 \times 6 $$

After multiplying we get

$$ 8x \;=\; 72 $$

Divide 8 on both sides of the equation,

$$ x \;=\; \frac{72}{8} \;=\; 72 \div 8 \;=\; 9 $$

Since x=9 that means 6 marketers will cost 9$.


Y is inversely proportional to x but when y = 2, x = 3 then find the value of y when x = 18.


y is inversely proportional to x as y∝ 1/x.

$$ y \;=\; \frac{k}{x} $$

Put y=2 and x=3 in the above equation

$$ 2 \;=\; \frac{k}{3} $$

$$ k \;=\; 2 \times 3 \;=\; 6 $$

We get k=6.

Thus, the proportionality equation becomes,

$$ y \;=\; \frac{6}{x} $$

Put x=18 to get y value.

$$ y \;=\; \frac{6}{18} \;=\; \frac{1}{3} $$

How to Use a Proportion Calculator

The proportions calculator has an easy-to-use interface so that you can use it to solve the proportion of two or more than two numbers.

Before adding the input value to the different types of numbers for calculating proportions problems, you must follow some simple steps before calculation. These steps are:

  1. Enter the numerator or denominator of the first number in the input box.
  2. Enter the numerator or denominator of the second number in the input box.
  3. Review your input number value before hitting the calculate button to start the calculation process in the proportion solver.
  4. Click on the “Calculate” button to get the desired result of your given proportion problem
  5. If you want to try out our proportional calculator first then you can use the load example for a better understanding.
  6. Click on the “Recalculate” button to get a new page for solving more number values in the proportional relationship calculator.

Final Result of the Proportions Calculator

The Proportion calculator with fractions gives you the solution to a given proportional problem when you add the input to it. It provides you with solutions in a step-wise process for more clarity. It may contain as:

  • Result Option

You can click on the result option and it provides you with a solution for proportion problems.

  • Possible Step

When you click on the possible steps option it provides you the solution of the proportion problem in which all calculation steps are in detail.

Advantages of Using Proportion Solver

Calculator proportion gives you tons of advantages whenever you use it to solve proportions. These advantages are:

Save Time:

Our proportional calculator saves your time and effort from doing lengthy proportional calculations of numbers in a few seconds

Free of Cost:

Proportions calculator is a free-of-cost tool so you can use it to calculate proportion questions.

Adaptable Tool:

It is an adaptable tool that can be used through all types of devices with an internet connection worldwide.

Practical Tool:

You can use this proportion solver for practice so that you get a strong hold on this concept.

Reliable Tool:

The proportionality calculator is a reliable tool that provides you with accurate solutions every time whenever you use it to solve proportions problem.

Detail Solution:

The Proportion calculator with fractions provides a solution with a complete process in a step-by-step method so that you get more clarity.

Related References
Frequently Ask Questions

What is the difference between a ratio and a proportion?

A ratio and a proportion are both used to make comparisons between two quantities, but they have different contexts and meanings in mathematics.


A ratio is a comparison of two quantities with the division method. It expresses the relative size of one quantity compared to another. It can be written in different forms, such as 𝑎:𝑏, a/b, or a to b.


A proportion is an equation that explains two equal ratios. You can say, a proportion states that two ratios are equivalent to each other. That means a ratio of a to b is equal to the ratio of c to d.

In short, both ratios and proportions compare quantities, while a proportion is an equation that has two equal ratios.

What is a proportionality constant?

A proportionality constant is a constant value that remains the same whether it is present in direct proportion or indirect proportion. It is denoted by the symbol k. It builds a relationship between two variables that are directly or inversely proportional to each other.

The value of the proportionality constant depends on the specific relationship with variables that are determined by experimental observations or theoretical considerations.

What is inversely proportional?

When two quantities are inversely proportional, it means that as one quantity is increasing, the other qunatity decreasing, and vice versa, in such a way but its constant remains constant. Mathematically, it can be represented as xy=k in which x and y are the two quantities, and k is the proportionality constant.

What is a direct proportion?

Direct proportionality refers to the relationship between two quantities in which if one quantity is increase or decrease the other quantity will automatically increase or decrease so that their ratio remains constant. Mathematically, it can be represented as y=kx , where x and y are the two quantities and k is the proportionality constant.

What are the applications of proportion?

Proportion has so many applications across various fields, including mathematics, science, economics, engineering, and everyday life. Here are the common examples.

  • Scaling:

Proportion used in scaling objects, maps, and models by architects' field

  • Finance and Economics:

Proportions are crucial in financial calculations, such as calculating interest rates, profit margins, and tax rates.

  • Stoichiometry in chemistry:

Proportions are bases in stoichiometry, where they are used to determine the quantities of reactants and products in chemical reactions and understanding the chemical composition.

  • Physics:

Proportions are used in various physics calculations, such as determining force, velocity, acceleration, and energy.

  • Statistics:

Proportions are used in statistical analysis to calculate proportions of data subsets, such as population mean or proportions of outcomes in a sample.

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